(FEB NEWS) Friday, May 31 2024, the 2024 Entrepreneur Day (E-Day) event was successfully held at the Surabaya Youth Hall. E-Day 2024, which was organized by Entrepreneurship Concentration Management Students, was aimed specifically at students who were taking entrepreneurship courses. With the theme "Becoming a Successful Digital Entrepreneur: Exploring Opportunities and Challenges in The Digital Entrepreneurship World", this event offers in-depth insight into the world of digital entrepreneurship.

E-Day 2024 presents more than 80 tenants, consisting of management students and the Faculty of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Technology Universitas Airlangga (FTMM UNAIR). Around 450 students, divided into several groups, participated in this exhibition to showcase their product innovations. The main event is an exhibition where students sell and market the products they have made while taking entrepreneurship courses to visitors.

Apart from the exhibition, there is a fashion and product show, where students are asked to show off and explain their products in front of the judges and audience. This event was also enlivened with live music, awarding night, door prizes, bazaar, food festival, community engagement, fashion product show, and campaign contest. Additional entertainment in the form of a band performance from the bandcong group added to the excitement of this event.

Through this activity, students are expected to increase their entrepreneurial spirit and creativity in promoting their products, thereby increasing brand awareness for their business. E-Day 2024 is an important platform for students to establish profitable collaborations with other entrepreneurs and introduce their products to the people of Surabaya.

As a form of support for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program, especially goal 8, namely decent work and economic growth, as well as goal 9, namely industry, innovation and infrastructure, E-Day 2024 is committed to encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit among the younger generation. . Through innovation exhibitions and community involvement, this event not only strengthens students' entrepreneurial skills but also makes a real contribution in creating new economic opportunities and encouraging the development of creative industries in Surabaya.

Young People Who Work
Entrepreneur Day 2024,

Success at a Young Age, Who's Afraid!

#business management