MAY 28 29 ENTREPRENEURSHIP FEB UNAIR FEB MARKET 2024(FEB NEWS) Two days in a row, 28 -29 May 2024, the Creative Economy Department, BEM FEB, Universitas Airlangga held the FEB Market. FEB Market is a seasonal agenda in the form of a bazaar that accommodates FEB students and also external parties in marketing their business.

By providing a platform for FEB students to market their businesses, FEB Market can help promote economic growth in the campus environment, which in turn can support sustainable economic growth in accordance with SDG's point 8: Decent work and economic growth.

The students enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere while exploring every corner of the former building grounds. pharmacy by enjoying the music playing. With a total of 36 participating tenants, FEB Market is the right place for students and external visitors to find various products and services, ranging from trendy fashion to various delicious foods and drinks.

The aim of this event is to support the businesses that have been run by FEB students at Universitas Airlangga . However, FEB Market also opens the door for local MSMEs to participate in showcasing their superior products. Thus, this event not only provides an opportunity for students to market their businesses, but also strengthens connections between the university and the local business community.

During the two days of implementation, FEB Market succeeded in attracting the attention of students from various faculties, not only campus B students, but campus A and C students also enjoyed it. This large attendance shows that this campus activity event is enjoyed by relaxing while shopping and supporting their entrepreneurial colleagues.