UNAIR WEBINAR COVER WITH PROF NISFUL(FEB NEWS) On Thursday, May 23 2024, a webinar entitled "THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC MICROFINANCE IN POST-COVID RECOVERY" was successfully held online. This webinar presents Prof. Dr. Nisful Laila, Deputy Dean II FEB UNAIR, as the main speaker. This event is the result of collaboration between Universitas Airlangga and the Center for Islamic Finance – University of Bolton, as a response to the economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sharia microfinance has proven to be an important instrument in economic recovery efforts, especially in supporting Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). MSMEs play a crucial role in the economy, accounting for the majority of employment and a significant contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

The search for effective solutions for economic recovery makes Islamic microfinance a potential tool for sustainable economic revival. This advantage stems from the basic principles of Islamic finance that encourage ethical and sustainable economic practices, which are especially relevant in crisis situations.

#economic recovery