(WORKSHOPSERIES1 HIMAPDIA FEB UNAIR1FEB NEWS) The NVIVO training event organized by the Accounting Science Doctoral Program Student Association (HIMAPDIA) Universitas Airlangga is an initiative to increase the academic and research capacity of students and teaching staff in qualitative data analysis. NVIVO is software specifically designed to help researchers organize, analyze, and discover insights from non-numerical data such as interviews, articles, social media, and more. Participants are taught how to import, organize, and analyze qualitative data effectively using NVIVO's various features. This training will include practical sessions that will allow participants to apply the theory learned to their own research projects.


This workshop activity was held on May 20 2024 at the KRMT Hall. Tirtodiningrat, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . This workshop activity was carried out in a hybrid manner with participants coming from 21 universities spread across Indonesia. More than 100 participants took part in the NVIVO Workshop, 53 people attended offline and 58 people online. This NVIVO material and workshop was presented by Dr. AA Gde Satia Utama, SE., M.Ak., CA who is also a lecturer at FEB Universitas Airlangga and active as a senior researcher at the Peneleh Research Institute.
This activity not only aims to improve the abilities and skills of human resources, but also has strong relevance to the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) number 4 (Quality Education). By improving qualitative data analysis skills, this training helps improve the quality of higher education. Students and teaching staff can conduct more in-depth and better quality research, which in turn improves the quality of education offered.

Therefore, this workshop activity is not only beneficial for participants, but this activity also plays a role in supporting collective efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. 
