FEB UNAIR WORLD BANK COOPERATION(FEB NEWS) Tuesday, 30 April 2024, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) in collaboration with the World Bank, held THE OUTREACH EVENT OF THE INDONESIAN ECONOMIC PROSPECT, DECEMBER 2023 EDITION - CLIMATE ACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT, valid for the public from the Hall Fadjar Notonagoro, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR.
This event is a dissemination event of the Indonesia Economic Prospect (IEP). Opening Remarks were delivered by Habib Rab, Lead Economist at World Bank Indonesia and Timor Leste and Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA.

Habib Rab, said that the World Bank shared the findings of Indonesia Economic Prospect which is analyzing development in economics and how to engage economic policy issues and what the implications for economic policy.
Prof. Dian expressed her hope that, "I hope that all of us will have additional insights from the World Bank, Government and Business perspectives about climate action and economic development in Indonesia, considering the country's progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing renewable energy."
Present as presenters at the event: 1. Anthony Obeyesekere - Economist at World Bank, 2. David J. Kaczan - Senior Economist at World Bank, and 3. Maulyati Nuraini Slamet - World Bank External Affairs Officer. Meanwhile as discussants: 1. Wael Mansour - Senior Economist at the World Bank; Ichsan Maulana - Chairman of the Indonesian Biomass Energy Cooperative (KEBI); and Nurareni Widiastuti, from the East Java Province Regional Development Planning Agency.
Further in this dissemination, we discussed:
1. Future Economic Prospects for 2024, presented by Anthony Obeyesekere - Economist at World Bank. The economy in 2024 is motivated by several global economic risks, including: geopolitical conflicts and pressures, inflationary shocks, trade fragmentation, food and energy market disruption, financial pressures, disasters caused by climate change.
2. Further on climate change, David J. Kaczan - Senior Economist at World Bank explained about Climate Change Action as a Development Catalyst. The direction of the climate transition in Indonesia shows that emissions increase along with economic growth, in line with Indonesia's development stages. There are signs of “relative decoupling” as emissions growth slows.
3. Hopefully the collaboration between FEB UNAIR and the World Bank will be sustainable in the future, for a better future for Indonesia and the world.