PHOTO SAV HIMA MANAGEMENT FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Students Association Visit (SAV) is a work program of the External Department which functions to improve UNAIR Management branding and exchange information between HIMA S1 UNAIR Management and other student associations, both at Universitas Airlangga and other universities regarding the work programs of each association. This year the Students Association Visit carries the theme "Exploring Joint Opportunities and Challenges between Student Organizations in Innovation in Weaving the Future." Students Association Visit 2024 will be held in Jakarta and Bandung on 24-28 June 2024 with visits to various student associations, namely visits to FIA UI Business Administration Student Association, ITB Entrepreneurship Student Association, and UPi Islamic Economics and Finance Student Association. The Students Association Visit is not only beneficial for the HIMA involved, but this SAV activity also contributes to achieving broader global development goals. Here are some important points:

Improving the Quality of Education (SDGs 4): SAV facilitates the exchange of information and knowledge between HIMA, which helps improve the quality of education for its members. Through discussions and sharing work programs, students can learn best practices and gain new ideas to improve their organizations.

Promoting Gender Equality (SDGs 5) : SAV encourages active participation from all students, regardless of gender. This program provides opportunities for female students to develop their leadership and organizational skills.

Opening Job Opportunities (SDGs 8): SAV helps students build networks with other HIMA and has the potential to open up internship or job opportunities in the future. Apart from that, this program also encourages entrepreneurship and innovation through discussions about work programs that focus on developing MSMEs.

Building Partnerships and Collaboration (SDGs 9): SAV encourages collaboration and partnerships between HIMA to develop innovative work programs that can provide benefits to the wider community. This program also supports the use of information technology to increase the effectiveness of student organizations.

Overall, SAV is a clear example of how student organizations can contribute to achieving global development goals. With a focus on knowledge exchange, inclusive participation, career development, and collaboration, SAV can help create a better future for all members involved.