GUEST LECTURE FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) On Monday to Tuesday, February 19 - 20 2024 our Doctoral Students of Accounting Department attended Guest Lecture by Dr. Wahseem Soobratty from Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.

 Dr. Wahseem talked about Creative Teaching on the first day, which is related to the students which also most of them are the educators. As we already know, with the advances of “self studies” such as from YouTube, it requires the educators to be able to keep the classroom alive, engaging, while providing knowledge that has value added.

The topic of the second day was about Student Engagement and Authentic Assessment which has emerged as an important tool in evaluating student learning outcomes.

On the afternoon session every day, Dr. Wahseem entered into Intermediate Accounting 1 (undergraduate student) to practice creative teaching. The students are divided into groups consisting of 5, they discuss about business simulation. The classes are so lively, even until the end of the session I think Dr. Wahseem gained a lot of fans from our students.
