INTERNATIONAL SERVICE FOR FEB UNAIR STUDENTS(FEB NEWS) As a concrete form of the enthusiasm of Indonesian youth in realizing sustainable development, Aliviani Emilia Hilna, a Development Economics student from the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), has made a positive mark through community service activities in the field of education. In the last three years, Alivia has been actively involved in volunteer activities both in her hometown, Surabaya and outside the city of Surabaya. Now, he is making new achievements through a teaching project at the Hulu Kelang Guidance School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, through the SMI Youth Exchange program. This teaching project was carried out to help and provide teaching guidance to Indonesian children who are disadvantaged because they do not have access to education in Malaysia.


SMI Youth Exchange, an initiative of Pemuda Pemuda Indonesia, provides opportunities for youth to experience cross-cultural learning, education, and understand social issues through youth projects in various countries. Alivia was successful in earning a place in the program, demonstrating her success through her dedication to education. Luckily again, in this program he managed to get full funding or qualify for the fully funded route, which resulted in him getting exemption from costs ranging from flight tickets, food, lodging to program costs borne by the organizers.

During the project, which was implemented on January 9-12 2024, Aliviani not only taught Indonesian children in Kuala Lumpur, but was also actively involved in activities that support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially Goal 4, namely Quality Education. He believes that every Indonesian child has the right to have equal and inclusive access to education.

Apart from making contributions in the field of education, Alivia was also involved in visits to the Indonesian Embassies in Singapore and Malaysia. He discussed with Mr. Satriya Wibawa, Ph.D., as the Education and Cultural Attaché of the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore, discussing educational, cultural and economic aspects. This activity not only provides global understanding, but also supports cultural exchange and understanding across borders.

Alivia explained that another piece of luck was the opportunity to discuss at several campuses in Malaysia, including Universiti Malaya, Universiti Kuala Lumpur, and International Islamic University Malaysia. This proves that SMI Youth Exchange activities are not only limited to teaching, but also provide space for direct interaction with education stakeholders.

For Alivia, her participation in the SMI Youth Exchange is not only about expanding international cultural and educational perspectives, but also as a concrete manifestation of the role of youth in building social sustainability for all levels of society. With her enthusiasm, Alivia Emilia is an example that involving youth in global projects can have a positive impact and support the achievement of sustainable development goals.

#Youth Spirit
#s1 Ekonomipembangunanfebunair
#fakultas Ekonomidanbisnisunair
#pengmasinternasional #excellencewith