STUDENT OUTBOUND FEB UNAIR(FEB NEWS) Surabaya, 30 November 2023 - A total of four Doctoral students of the Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) have taken part in Student Outbound - Full Time activities at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), from 6 September - 30 November 2023. This activity was held in a hybrid manner, starting with a virtual meeting on 14 September 2023, and continuing with offline activities at UUM on 16-30 October 2023.
The delegation consisted of Dahlia Bonang, Anisa Fadilah Zustika, Ainol Yaqin, and Wempie Yuliane. The main aim of this activity is to strengthen the quality of students' dissertations, by presenting experts who are relevant to the dissertation topic at UUM. Apart from that, this activity aims to expand academic networks, conduct joint research, and explore related research sources.
One of the highlights of the activity was the delegation's participation in the Word Zakat & Waqf Forum International Conference Annual Meeting (WZWF) at the RAIA Alor Setar Hotel on 17-20 October 2023. This event supports improving the quality of dissertations and expanding student networks with important figures from all over the world .
The delegation also underwent a series of activities such as a visit to the UUM Management Museum, the Zakat Research and Innovation Institute (IPIZ), where the delegation had the opportunity to take part in the Colloquium with IPIZ to present a dissertation proposal. In the Colloquium activities, delegates received a lot of suggestions and input to improve the quality of their dissertations. Another activity they took part in, which was no less interesting, was the International Symposium on Social Finance 2023. In this symposium, they had the opportunity to discuss with experts regarding their dissertation topic and even won silver medals and bronze medals in the poster competition.

In the final stage of the activity, delegates became guest lecturers according to their respective scientific fields at UUM and carried out private consultations with relevant lecturers. They also discussed with IBS UUM Doctoral students to discuss dissertation topics, lecture models, and collaboration research plans.
The delegation returned to Indonesia on Sunday 29 October 2023 after involving themselves in various activities that provided new insights, deepened knowledge, and expanded academic networks, as well as achieving achievements in the field of research. Furthermore, in November 2023 the activities will be carried out virtually until November 30 2023 the activities will end.

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