TTD IA FEB UNAIR GARUDA INDONESIA(FEB NEWS) On Friday, 8 September 2023, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) held the "Garuda Indonesia Teaching" event with the theme "Enterprise Risk Management and Strategic Guidance for BUMN Leaders." This event, which was held in the Fadjarnotonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, was an important step in forming students' adaptive and leadership spirit.

Garuda Indonesia Feb UnairThis activity was very special because it was attended directly by Mr. Prof. Dr. Drs. Prasetio, Ak., CA., SH., M.Hum, Director of Finance and Risk Management of Garuda Indonesia, as well as the management of Garuda Indonesia. The opening of the event was carried out by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak., as Dean of FEB UNAIR.

During the event, close cooperation was established between FEB UNAIR and Garuda Indonesia, including the signing of an Implementation Agreement for a certified internship program and business visits. Garuda Indonesia also handed over teaching and learning support tools in the form of 4 laptop units to FEB UNAIR.

The material giving session was guided by Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., MSi, Chair of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations, with Prof. Dr. Drs. Prasetio, Ak., CA., SH., M.Hum, as the main resource person. Students were very enthusiastic in the question and answer session, and they were also given Goody Bags as a form of appreciation from Garuda Indonesia.

The material presented is very valuable, starting from the concepts of strategy, leadership, management, to corporate governance. In fact, interesting topics such as 'Managing Corporate Reputation Based on Business Strategy Guidance' are also discussed in depth. Apart from that, other topics such as VUCA, restructuring, governance and the green economy are also in the spotlight.

This event ran successfully until it finally closed with the spirit of FEB SATU and UNAIR GREAT! Together we affirm our commitment to EXCELLENCE WITH MORALITY FOR INDONESIA.
