collaborating feb unair(FEB NEWS) Management Startup Challenge (MSC) is one of the Management Expo sub-events from the work program of the Undergraduate Management Student Association, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR).

Sunday, August 6 2023, the Management Startup Challenge 2023 Webinar was held with the theme "Young Entrepreneurial Transformation in the Digital Era and Sustainable Global System" online via the zoom platform. The aim of this webinar activity is to disseminate an in-depth understanding of the world of entrepreneurship, awaken the mindset of millennials to have the courage to step into becoming entrepreneurs, provide an overview of the challenges and solutions faced in starting a business, and provide motivation to millennials to explore useful creativity. This activity began with several remarks from Chiquita Charissa Chairani as Chief Executive of the 2023 Management Startup Challenge, Muh. Syauqi Anwar as Chair of Management Expo 13, Vievania Eunike Putri as Chair of HIMA S1 Management, and remarks from Dr. Dien Mardhiyah SE., M.Si as Coordinator of the Undergraduate Management Study Program Universitas Airlangga. The 2023 Management Startup Challenge Webinar was attended by 120 participants from various agencies.

The event continued with the presentation of material by 2 speakers, namely Jhon Hardi ST., MSM, C.SM as Entrepreneurship Lecturer, Faculty of Economics & Business Universitas Airlangga and Syamsul Qomar, S.Ikom as Founder of Agendakota Indonesia. Then this event closed with a question and answer session, games, and not forgetting a joint documentation session.
