(FEB NEWS) In order to strengthen synergy and research collaboration, both with the Government, Academics/Universities, Industry/Business Actors, Media, and Communities/Associations and can continue to provide the best contribution in developing the East Java and national economy, the Bank Indonesia Provincial Representative Office East Java together with the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) and ISEI Surabaya Branch East Java Coordinator held the 10th East Java Economic Conference & Winner Announcement (EJAVEC) 2023 with the theme "Encouraging Inclusive and Sustainable East Java Economic Resilience in the Middle East Increasing Global Uncertainty” on July 26, 2023.
The conference, which was the highlight of the EJAVEC Forum 2023, was also attended by the Chair of ISEI Surabaya Branch, East Java Coordinator, Head of the Financial Services Authority, Head of the Directorate General of Treasury of East Java Province, Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, and Chancellor of Perbanas Hayam Wuruk. On this occasion, the Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia and the Deputy Governor of East Java also conveyed strategic direction.
In his opening remarks, Doddy Zulverdi - Chief Representative of Bank Indonesia for East Java Province said that the implementation of EJAVEC in 2023 aims to increase public and all stakeholders' understanding of the East Java economy, build a scientific ecosystem that supports research-based policies, as well as explore creative solutions to overcome various obstacles that exist in East Java.
The day before, the EJAVEC Call for Paper 2023 was held at FEB UNAIR, as one of a series of activities from the EJAVEC Forum 2023, which attracted 120 full papers from within the country, as well as from abroad, such as from Arabia, Japan and Malaysia.
According to the Deputy Dean I FEB Universitas Airlangga , Wisnu Wibowo said that EJAVEC is no longer a regional scale forum, but has leveled up to become an international scale.
"58 percent of participants came from outside East Java. This shows that what is happening in East Java is attracting the attention of economic and business actors outside the East Java province. "It is not surprising that East Java is the province that makes the second largest economic contribution after DKI Jakarta," said Dr. Wisnu Wibowo.
With the EJAVEC Call for Paper 2023, it can become a forum for researchers, including students, to express their ideas.
Chairman of the Association of Economic Scholars (ISEI) Surabaya Branch, East Java Coordinator - Soni Harsono, added that several papers actually provide recommendations that are applicable in solving problems.
"With quality paper, it will be even better in its application for economic development in East Java," he explained. As part of the Conference, Bank Indonesia announced the winners from 120 participants who had been narrowed down to 19 best finalists.
The selection process involves nine judges who are competent in their fields. Present as the keynote speaker, Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia, Mrs. Destry Damayanti, conveyed the need to remain vigilant and continue to encourage regional resilience, in the face of increasing global economic uncertainty.
Deputy Governor of East Java - Emil Elestianto Dardak in his keynote speech said that East Java's economic indicators were still observed to be improving amidst continuing global and domestic pressure. According to Emil Elestianto Dardak, Resilience still needs to be encouraged, including by strengthening continuity between industries, strengthening the role of MSMEs to be more inclusive, and strengthening the trade sector by utilizing the digital economy.
Present as Speaker at the EJAVEC Conference, which discussed economic development, outlook and challenges, as well as economic crisis management to support resilience:
Reza Siregar, Ph.D - Special Staff of the Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, focusing on economic conditions which are always overshadowed by change which is so fast or known as Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) conditions that require a comprehensive strategy. Reza Siregar, Ph.D also said that there were several challenges that needed attention to encourage regional resilience, namely health, financial stability and food security.
Meanwhile, Prof. Iwan Jaya Azis as Professor at Cornell University USA and Research Scholar at the BI Institute also said that not only VUCA, we are also faced with omnicrisis conditions which make development more challenging. He highlighted the importance of developing productivity as a structural economic driver in the long term.
As part of the Conference Event, Bank Indonesia announced the EJAVEC CP 2023 Winners which were divided into three categories, namely (i) General Paper Category for General Participants, (ii) General Paper Category for Student Participants and (iii) Regional Economic Modeling Paper Category.
The best papers can later be accessed on the EJAVEC Journal website with the link https://ejavec.id/index.php/ejave. EJAVEC Forum has been ISSN accredited since 2017 for the print-out version and in 2022 will obtain ISSN accreditation for the online version of the journal.
The following is a list of EJAVEC CP 2023 winners
General Paper Category General Participants:
First Place (Environmental Efficiency of Rice Farming in East Java) and Rizky Zulkarnain; Second Place (Development of Green Economy Index (GEI) with Remote Sensing for Sustainable Development in East Java), an Eko Putra Wahyuddin and Wahidya Nurkarim; Third Place, (MSME Transition Strategy to Green Business Practices: Sequential Explanatory Design Mix Method Analysis Approach) by Rizaldi Yusfiarto, Ahmad Febriyanto, and Rifaatul Indana.
General Paper Category Student Participants:
First Place (Sustainability Analysis, Development and Design of Smart Agricultural Supply Chain Models in Agricultural Start-ups in East Java to Realize Modern Sustainable Supply Chain Management), an Thabed Tholib Baladraf; Second Place (From Cash to Central Bank Digital Currency: Can Gen Z Adopt It), an Annes Nisrina Khoirunnisa, Moh. Shadam Taqiyyuddin Azka, and Nanik Shofiatin; Third Place (Implementation of Carbon Tax in East Java: Local Government's Potential Revenue for the Improvement of the Society's Welfare), an Giacinta Betralda Anin Pradita, Hans Mangatur Pakpahan, and Raihan Mufid Rufiano.
Regional Economic Modeling Paper Category:
First Place (Integrating Estimation of Inflation Threshold and Nowcasting Regional Economic Growth Using Classical, Machine Learning, and Ensemble Method) an Taly Purwa, Ni made Inna Dariwardani, and Diyang Gita Scholar; Second Place (Assessing Social Assistance: Is It Effective in Strengthening the Economy in East Java) Ayesha Tantriana and Suryo Adi Rakhmawan; Third Place (Spatial Decision Support System Model for Economic Resilience in East Java Province) was Firman Afrianto and Annisa Dira Hariyanto.