UNAIR Feb Drill ManagementSunday, July 16 2023, Management Drill Vol. 2 with the theme "Unlocking the Winning Strategy: Preparation for Business Competitions" in the form of a mentoring session held by HIMA S1 Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR). This mentoring aims to provide students with insight and knowledge regarding Business Case (BCC) and Business Plan (BPC) competitions. This mentoring session was attended by 73 participants from various classes of the FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Management Study Program.


In this Management Drill mentoring session, HIMA S1 Management FEB UNAIR invited mentors from the 2020 FEB UNAIR S1 Management Study Program students who had experience competing in Business Cases and Business Plans, namely Nafisah Shafa Ardia and Nur Khoirunnisa to share their experiences and provides several tips and things you need to pay attention to when participating in BCC and BPC competitions. The mentors explained the stages in working on a business competition, starting from tips on finding ideas to making proposals and how to present our ideas in front of the jury. With this activity, it is hoped that students can increase their motivation to take part and excel in various competitions, especially the Business Case and Business Plan competitions.

In the first mentoring session with Nafisah Shafa Ardia, she explained the initial stages of BPC work, such as business ideas that can be found through observing the surrounding environment, how to prepare a Business Model Canvas (BMC), and how to prepare a proposal that passes the pitching stage. Furthermore, in the second mentoring session, Nur Khoirunnisa explained several materials such as the type of BCC competition, how to solve the case given, and how to find solutions to the problems in the case. The material session was followed by a question and answer session with the mentor. To conclude the event, there was a documentation session with mentors and participants.
