UNAIR students won 2 February UNAIR awards(FEB NEWS) Japan Design Idea and Invention Expo (JDIE) is an international expo event organized by the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations and Chizal Corporation on July 7-8 2023. This expo took place at the Ariake Garden Conference Center in Tokyo, Japan, and followed by 25 other countries. There are around 350 works on display in various fields of the latest technology. In this expo event, there were 2 (two) FEB UNAIR Accounting students who participated by presenting an innovative product they called NaNaRe. NaNaRe is a substitute for styrofoam packaging made from sugar cane waste and seaweed. This product is the result of three months of research with various trials that have been carried out. As a result, they succeeded in creating packaging that is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, economical and safe to use.

With great pride, the two FEB Unair Accounting students won the Gold Medal award at the Japan Design Idea and Invention Expo with their innovative product entitled "NaNaRe: Sustainable and Antimicrobial Food Container Made from Bagasse and Seaweed as an Alternative to Styrofoam." This award is recognition of their efforts in creating environmentally friendly packaging solutions that also have antimicrobial properties.

Their achievements did not stop there, because they also received a Special Award given by the Japanese. This award shows further recognition of the innovative value of their products and their contribution to promoting the use of renewable materials and environmental protection. On their journey, these two students have faced big challenges, NaNaRe has experienced failure several times until finally the product they created successfully landed in this cherry blossom country.

Their success in obtaining the Gold Medal and Special Award is clear proof that innovation and continuous efforts in developing environmentally friendly products are highly appreciated and recognized by the international community. Their achievements not only give pride to their university, but also provide inspiration for students and other communities to continue looking for creative solutions to preserve the environment and create a sustainable future.

Abdul Rohman, as a student representative of FEB UNAIR, explained, "The research process we underwent for NaNaRe was very long and required in-depth research. Our role in this research is very important in analyzing product sustainability. Another motivation that drives us to be involved in this innovation is the need people on food packaging that is sturdy and easily biodegradable."

Unair students won February UnairApart from that, Kevin Gilang Ardiansyah, who is also a representative of our team, added, "In the NaNaRe development process, we realized the importance of collaboration and the use of environmentally friendly materials. We are committed to producing products that are not only innovative, but also sustainable. NaNaRe "is our answer to the problem of using styrofoam which is detrimental to the environment. We hope that this product can provide a safe and responsible solution for society, as well as making a positive contribution to environmental conservation."

The Gold Medal award given by the Japan Design Idea and Invention Expo was a very impressive and proud achievement for the FEB UNAIR student team. This confirms that NaNaRe has succeeded in gaining international recognition for its superiority as an innovative solution in replacing the use of styrofoam which is not environmentally friendly.

This achievement not only strengthens the reputation of the FEB UNAIR student team, but also provides inspiration to students and other communities to continue to innovate in creating creative, environmentally friendly solutions. NaNaRe has demonstrated extraordinary potential in facing current environmental challenges and is a positive example for sustainable products in the future.

Japan Design Idea and Invention Expo (JDIE) is an international expo event organized by the World Invention Intellectual Property Associations and Chizal Corporation on 7-8 July 2023. This Expo activity was held at the Ariake Garden Conference Center Tokyo Japan and was attended by 25 other countries with approximately 350 works displayed in various fields of the latest technology. The team consists of six people headed by Sabilla Maidhyana from the Faculty of Marine Fisheries (FPK UNAIR) and members from various faculties, namely Amadeo Lemuel and Muhammad Akmal from the Faculty of Advanced and Multidisciplinary Technology (FTMM UNAIR), Heri Prasetyoning Tias from FPK UNAIR, and also Abdul Rohman (S1 Accounting FEB UNAIR) and Kevin Gilang Ardiansyah (S1 Accounting FEB UNAIR) made achievements by also receiving special awards. This team is bringing a product called NaNaRe, a styrofoam replacement packaging product made from sugar cane waste and seaweed. This product has been researched for approximately three months and has passed various tests until finally it succeeded in creating a packaging product that is eco-friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable, economical and safe to use. "We believe that our product will develop and will become one of the promising startups in the future," said Tias, one of the team members. "We aim here to support the mission and vision of the world SDGs, especially points 8, 12, 13 and 14," he added.

Even so, it seems that to achieve this finished product, NaNaRe has experienced failure several times until finally the product they made succeeded in landing in this cherry blossom country. "At first we doubted that our product would be successful, but we still stopped being pessimistic and continued to move forward no matter what happened," said Deo, a member of NaNaRe. NaNaRe's success and success cannot be separated from the intervention of Mr. Gunawan and Mrs. Daruti as supervisors and supervisors of NaNaRe products. The hope is that from this victory, NaNaRe can take a step further and inspire other students, especially at Universitas Airlangga.