feb unair dept of service(FEB NEWS) The public's euphoria in welcoming Eid al-Adha was very clear a few days ago. Most people are involved in a series of events ranging from worship to the distribution of meat from the slaughter of Qurban animals, which has become a long-standing tradition. However, the bitter reality that we all need to realize is that not all levels of society can enjoy this. This fact then became the background for the Department of Community Service (PENGMAS) BEM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Universitas Airlangga in collaboration with Amira Bilqis, and Waniparti, to organize an activity entitled "Blessing of Qurban Bina Abdi Desa 2023" located in Tunjung Village, Gucialit District, Lumajang Regency, on June 30 2023.

Based on the results of surveys that have been carried out, the people of Tunjung Village almost never receive sponsorship or assistance to obtain sacrificial animals, so that often the results of slaughter cannot be distributed evenly because there are only a few of them. This village does have a geographical location that is less strategic, remote, far away, and access is difficult when compared to other villages in the same sub-district.

In order to realize the dream of the people of Tunjung Village to be able to celebrate Idul Adha with sufficient sacrificial animals, through the 2023 Village Abdi Work Program, the PengMAS BEM FEB Department, in collaboration with the Amira Bilqis Foundation, is opening donations for the general public who are willing to set aside their good fortune for buy sacrificial animals, all of which will be given to the people of Tunjung Village. Not to forget, the PengMAS BEM FEB Department also collaborates with Waniparti, a community of young people native to Lumajang, to support documentation and publication needs.

feb unair dept of service cover1After one month of opening donations, the collaboration initiated by BEM FEB succeeded in collecting 2 (two) cows and 7 (seven) goats, as well as IDR 1,100,000 in cash, which was allocated to provide financial assistance to residents who helped with the animal slaughter process Sacrifice. As of June 30 2023, all sacrificial animals have arrived in Tunjung Village and will be slaughtered immediately. Not long after that, the distribution process to village residents was carried out. Based on data collection, more than 300 (three hundred) families in Tunjung Village have received their share of the Qurbani animals equally.

The "Blessing of Qurban Bina Abdi Desa 2023" activity, which is the result of a beautiful collaboration between the PengMAS Department of BEM FEB UNAIR, Amira Bilqis, and Waniparti, cannot be separated from the aim of implementing SDGs points which have a crucial role in developing a better and more comprehensive society. The SDGs points targeted in this activity, especially SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger). We hope that in the future, cooperation with a vision and mission that prioritizes humanity and prosperity will be carried out more intensively, for the sake of a better development of civilization.

Bina Abdi Desa 2023, #ZerotoOne