get more about feb unar(FEB NEWS) Thursday, June 1 2023, MBKM socialization was held which was carried out by HIMA S1 Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) together with the Department of Management, Airlangga University. This socialization is a program that aims to encourage students to master various sciences so that they can be used as preparations for entering the world of work. This activity was carried out online via Zoom Meeting.

In this MBKM socialization, the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Management Department invited 3 alumni of the 2019 FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Management Study Program who had MBKM experience as speakers at the sharing session, namely Dewi Anisah, with internship experience at the Surabaya Population and Civil Registration Department, Angga Nurey, with experience interned at Bank Indonesia, and Arum Dwi Safitri, with internship experience at Grab Indonesia.

The activity began with opening remarks from Mrs. Dr. Dien Mardhiah SE., M.Si as Chair of the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Management Study Program and Mrs. Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani, SE., MSM. as Secretary of the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Management Study Program.

This event was continued with an explanation regarding the preparations for MBKM Batch 5 delivered by Mrs. Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani, SE., MSM, then continued with a sharing session with three alumni of the 2019 FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Management Study Program, namely Dewi Anisah, Angga Nurey, and Arum Dwi Safitri. Furthermore, this event closed with a question and answer session conducted by participants to Mrs. Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani SE., MSM and Mrs. Dien Mardhiah SE., M.Si.

Greetings from us, Ksatriya Airlangga,
let's make the MBKM FEB UNAIR Internship Program a success

Together we
produce quality graduates, ready to face the world of work.
Synergy with a heart for Mother Earth
