UNAIR Feb 2023 seminarFEB NEWS, Wednesday, March 22 2023, Leadership Team of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , consisting of: Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA.; - Deputy Dean I – Dr. Vishnu Wibowo; Deputy Dean II – Dr. Nisful Laila; Deputy Dean III – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, accompanied by Deputy Dean I Staff - Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec. and Head of Subdivision. Academic - Aris Setiawan, S.Sos., held a Workshop and Dialogue on the Management of the Banyuwangi Undergraduate Accounting Study Program, which was attended by Banyuwangi Undergraduate KPS, Accounting Lecturers in Banyuwangi, Accounting Undergraduate students and students' parents.UNAIR Feb 2023 seminar 1

The workshop and dialogue were held specifically to provide an overview to students and parents of FEB UNAIR's plans to transform the Management of the Undergraduate Accounting Study Program (PSDKU) Universitas Airlangga in Banyuwangi towards Management in the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Accounting Study Program in Surabaya. This was done considering the issuance of Universitas Airlangga MWA Decree No. 6/UN3.MWA/K/2021 and Chancellor's Decree no. 10/UN3/2022, as well as to: 1.) Improve the quality of management of study programs and graduates to become superior and world class; 2.) Maintain the continuity and quality of study program implementation; 3.) Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process.UNAIR Feb 2023 seminar 2

The transformation of the PSDKU Banyuwangi Bachelor of Accounting Study Program into the FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, in general will provide greater and more promising advantages in order to achieve a shared vision and mission, especially in producing graduates who are more qualified and globally competitive. The faculties and universities will of course also provide facilities and support as much as possible, apart from hoping for support from parents and guardians so that this process can run smoothly and the goals and best hopes together can be realized.


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