"Synergy with Heart", that was the theme raised at the FEB UNAIR Student Organization Coordination Meeting (Ormawa) on 18-19 March 2023 which was held at the Ubaya Training Center (UTC) Trawas, Mojokerto district.
A total of 24 FEB UNAIR Ormawa took part in the coordination meeting, consisting of BEM, BLM, AcSES, Mosaic, KSPM, PKK, PKP, WEBs, e-Radio, Sector, Kopma, HIMA S1-S2-S3 and also representatives of Banyuwangi Campus Accounting students.

Release of Dean cvr

Release by the Dean of FEB UNAIR Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Si., Ak., CMA., CA. in the front yard of the deanery there was a solemn ceremony.

ORMAWA RAKOR 2023 Opening

Opening of the Ormawa Coordination Meeting by the Deputy Dean for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, SE., M.Sc.

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A busy series of events awaits at the peak of UTC-Trawas, including: - Discussion of the Work Program for each Ormawa - Collaborative synergy of Ormawa work programs - Outbound Games "Leadership and Collaboration" by Mr Afif Kurniawan, M.Psi, Psychologist with the team.

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The 2 days of togetherness with the Dean's Head, the President of BEM FEB UNAIR, the Heads of UKMF and HIMA was very warm and collaborative.

