LKMM TD 2023 DSC09088 cvr

Congratulations to the students who have been elected as faculty managers in the student organization (ORMAWA) for the 2023 period through the RAYA Election (PEMIRA) on December 7 2022 (live at -y1q5pLc4&t=2s ), and was officially inaugurated on January 31, 2023 (news at ).
And to equip ORMAWA administrators, additional insight is needed regarding skills, time management, leadership, secretarial administration, etc. so that students receive both hard and soft skills.
On this occasion, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) periodically holds Student Management Skills Training - Basic Level (LKMM-TD) then at the Intermediate level, namely LKMM-TM and LKMM-TL for advanced level every year. Where LKMM-TD will be held in each faculty on Saturday, March 11 2023.

LKMM TD 2023 DSC09144 NAHThis time the LKMM-TD was presented by 7 resource persons who are competent in their fields, namely:
Analysis of Environmental Conditions and Formulation/Elaboration of Initial Ideas presented by Lina Nugraha Rani, SE., M.SEI.

Benchmarks for Success and Work Schedule Planning presented by Made GitanadyaAyu Aryani, SE., MSM.

Basics of Organization and Organizing Activities/Committees by Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, SE., CiFP.

Ethics & Communication Between Work Units by Nur Aini Hidayati, SE., M.Si., Ph.D.

Secretarial and Financial Administration by Widya Sylviana, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D.

The Nature of Motivation, Decision Making and Conflict Control by Angga Erlando, SE, M.Ec.Dev.

Techniques for preparing activity proposals and refining activity proposals by Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec.

This LKMM-TD activity was attended by more than 200 ORMAWA administrators and was held in the Fadjar Notonagoro FEB UNAIR hall.
"The material presented is very comprehensive and interesting for students who are interested in the world of organizations," said one of the participants who was very enthusiastic about taking part in the whole series of solid and useful events, so Via (Kahima S1 Management) hopes that this very good material will be delivered all at once in one day with enough time for practical work.