graduation feb unair(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, March 8 2023, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), especially the Center for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Relations (PKRI) FEB UNAIR, chaired by Dr. Tri Siwi Agustina, SE., MSi., in collaboration/synergy with the FEB UNAIR Management Student Association, located in Soepoyo Hall, 3rd Floor of FEB UNAIR, has held a Seminar "Prepare Your Future Career After Graduation" to provide encouragement in completing various knowledge and skills. , insight, both soft skills and hard skills for graduates. However, from this event held by PKRI FEB UNAIR, those who attended the event were not only graduates from FEB UNAIR, but also open to graduates from other faculties from UNAIR, namely from the Faculty of Public Health UNAIR, and the Faculty of Languages ​​UNAIR.

Dr. Wisnu Wibowo – Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, said that this activity was the first activity carried out by FEB UNAIR in order to encourage/provide inspiration for FEB UNAIR graduates, to be able to contribute significantly to the progress and prosperity of the Indonesian nation.
Furthermore, Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, explained that in 1 year FEB UNAIR could graduate more than 1,000 graduates, which were divided into 4 graduation periods, where at the last graduation on March 4-5 2023, 472 graduates had graduated. "So, that is the challenge for the world of higher education, to be able to help graduates to be absorbed in the world of work according to what the graduates dream of. Therefore, FEB UNAIR wants to be a partner for graduates to complete and improve their competencies, both soft skills & hard skills, so that graduates can be immediately absorbed by the world of work, or even inspired to create their own world of work by becoming entrepreneurs.
This seminar, which is a synergy between PKRI FEB UNAIR and HIMA Management, was held to provide education for FEB UNAIR graduates in particular and also Active FEB Unair Students, related to the Job Seeker Identification Card from the One Stop Integrated Capital and Investment Services Service (DPM- PTSP) and the Surabaya City Department of Industry and Manpower (Disperinaker), as well as a Sharing Session with S1 Management Alumni who are pursuing their careers as Entrepreneurs, to provide inspiration on how to start a business.

graduation feb unair 1 Present as speakers: 1.) Mr. Erringgo Perkasa, SE. M.Si - as Coordinator of Licensing and Non-Licensing Services for the City of Surabaya DPM-PTSP; 2.) Mr. Slamet Budiono, S.Psi, MT., from the Surabaya City Manpower Department; and 3.) Mas Dendi Herawan, SM as a Bachelor of Management Alumni from Unair who has pursued his career as the Owner of Doyan Ayam.
In this seminar, the meaning, legal basis, requirements, flow and terms of the Job Seeker Identification Card (AK-1 Card) are explained. In the next session, Mas Dendi explained the process of starting a business in the FnB sector as well as tips and tricks on how to start a business for Alumni and Students.
Greetings from Us Airlangga Knights
