feb unair bpr jatim11 (one) day before the end of 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), signed a Cooperation Agreement with PT. East Java People's Credit Bank (PT BPR Jatim), About Organizing Independent Campus Learning Activities (MBKM) in the Form of Internships, from Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, (30/12/2022).
The signing procession was carried out by: Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. – Dean of FEB UNAIR and Drs. Yudhi Wahyu Maharani, Ak., MM. – Main Director of PT. East Java People's Credit Bank, witnessed by staff from FEB UNAIR and PT. East Java People's Credit Bank.

Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. , said that he was very happy with the collaboration that had been established, because he saw that MSMEs were one of the subjects in the core business of PT. East Java People's Credit Bank.
FEB UNAIR and PT. BPR East Java according to Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., has the same vision in Community Service, namely in the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, which has the same spirit to realize the strengthening of MSME colleagues, as well as other collaborations, namely in the field of structured internships ( there are supervisors from both parties), so that the internship activities can provide added value, both for the two institutions and also for the students participating in the internship.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. also provided a brief explanation of the achievements that have been achieved by FEB UNAIR, and through this collaboration it is hoped that they can provide added value and blessings in the world and the hereafter, for the nation, state and society.
Drs. Yudhi Wahyu Maharani, Ak., MM. (FEB UNAIR alumnus), stated that he strongly agreed with Prof. Dian is with the team to carry out this collaboration, and believes that the pattern of collaboration with the campus will produce something extraordinary, and hopes that with FEB SATU, EAST JAVA will also be ONE. "BPR East Java will recruit for development in the Eastern Region, and expects HR support from FEB UNAIR, mentoring programs from campus for assisted MSMEs, as well as support for the new Foreign Exchange Village and Maritime Village programs, where the new program immediately received attention from the Dean of FEB UNAIR, through Deputy Dean II FEB UNAIR – Dr. Nisful Laila, to join as support in the FEB UNAIR Community Service Program.
The Managing Director of BPR East Java is confident that through branding from FEB UNAIR and Branding from BPR East Java, it will result in extraordinary performance improvements for both, can accelerate the provision of added value as a whole, both for both parties, also at the MSME/community level .

#signing of
the pksantaraptbankperkreditanrakyatjawatimurdanfebunair #ptbankperkreditanrakyatjawatimur
#fakultas Ekonomidanbisnisunair