student outbound feb unair 2(FEB NEWS) In order to increase cooperation in the field of academics and students. The Department of Sharia Economics of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga has collaborated with Universities in Malaysia for the umpteenth time, one of which is the University of Malaya. This time, in continuing this global collaboration, Universitas Airlangga welcomed the arrival of a delegation of students and lecturers from Universiti Malaya for the Student Inbound event.

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Student Inbound is a program that aims to provide opportunities for students from Universiti Malaya to exchange information regarding Indonesia's Islamic economy and culture. This program was held from 5 to 12 December 2022. This activity was attended by 33 students and represented by one lecturer from the University of Malaya, DR. Mohd Shahid Bin Mohd Noh. During the lecture session, the student's enthusiasm for this event was very high. This can be seen from the many interactions between students and lecturers. Not only that but students are also invited to tour the city of Surabaya to understand the culture in the city of Surabaya. In addition, these inbound students are expected to be able to contribute to improving relations and academics of Islamic economics in Indonesia. With this activity, it is hoped that it can help Universitas Airlangga in achieving SDGs point number 4, namely Quality Education because this activity aims to develop potential and broaden students' insights as well as a venue for technology development following their study program.

outbound feb unair