Student Entrepreneurship Feb Unair 2022Duck eggs are a source of animal protein. However, the popularity of duck eggs is still less than other sources of animal protein. The reason is, duck eggs have high cholesterol levels and have a fishy smell compared to other types of eggs. This makes many people avoid consuming duck eggs.

This low public demand for duck eggs has an impact on duck egg business people such as breeders and workers managing duck egg farms. They have faced many failures in business due to low demand for duck eggs on the market.

Based on this problem, a group of entrepreneurial students in the field of production/cultivation of the FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Accounting study program, chaired by Rizky Ahmad Maulana Hamdany, created an innovation of duck eggs that are low in cholesterol and free of fishy odor. Together with his four colleagues, namely Vany Erdiyanti Pratama, Rani Idealistanti Osmena, Sulistina, and Muhammad Hasan Fuadi, he created a business entitled "Duck Point Special Egg with Low Cholesterol."

This business innovation also led them to qualify for funding for the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology's Student Entrepreneurship Development Program (P2MW). "Initially, this was my family's business in Probolinggo Regency. At first it was just an ordinary duck farm," said Rizky in an interview Thursday (6/10/2022).

In order to produce duck egg products that are low in cholesterol and free of fishy odors, Rizky and his colleagues provide several treatments in this duck egg farming business. One of them is fresh garlic treatment to reduce cholesterol levels in duck eggs.

"That (fresh garlic treatment, ed.) we soak the duck feed in onion water for one night. "Then, we give the ducks duck food that has been soaked in onion water with a certain composition so that the cholesterol levels of the eggs produced by the ducks are reduced," explained Rizky.

Apart from the fresh garlic treatment, Rizky and his colleagues also provide betel chalk treatment to the duck egg production process that they pioneered. "We soak the duck eggs in betel chalk water for three hours. "Well, this has been proven to reduce the fishy smell of duck eggs," said this class of 2021 student.

Under the guidance of Ni Made Gitanadya SM MM, Rizky and his colleagues hope to improve the welfare of duck egg farming business actors, especially in Probolinggo Regency. "We want to improve the welfare of duck farming workers in Probolinggo Regency by providing them with training, job opportunities and more decent wages with this P2MW business," said Rizky.

Using the tagline "There is a Duck Breeder's Prayer in Every Item," the five students who share an interest in the business sector hope to expand their business from the innovation they initiated. "So, we produce 90-100 eggs every day and that depends on the condition of the ducks. "We want to expand the business to 200 eggs," concluded Rizky at the end of the interview.

Author: Agnes Ikandani