UNAIR NEWS – Another proud achievement was achieved by the academic community Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR). This time UNAIR Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) Lecturer, Eko Fajar Cahyono SE ME, succeeded in winning first place in the 2022 Kpw Bank Indonesia East Java Province Library Literacy Festival Book Review Competition on Sunday (06/11/2022).

To the media crew, Eko, his nickname, admitted that this was his first time taking part in a book review competition so this was a challenge in itself. Even so, he continued, he was very grateful because his first work was able to win the competition.

"There were around ninety participants who took part in this book review competition, so I was quite nervous about whether I could win this competition. It turned out that thank God I was able to win, even though this was my first experience," said the lecturer at the Department of Sharia Economics, on Friday (11/11 /2022).

UNAIR Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) lecturer, Eko Fajar Cahyono SE ME. (Photo: Special)



Furthermore, the FEB UNAIR lecturer who is currently studying at Putra Malaysia University admitted that he was very enthusiastic about taking part in this competition. Moreover, he continued, the book being reviewed discusses monetary policy which is very appropriate to his educational background. Eko said the book was entitled 'Scientific Study of Latest Central Bank Policy from Theory to Practice'.

"It turns out that this book is a report on a workshop held by Bank Indonesia regarding the latest central bank policies," he explained.

Based on the book, continued Eko, the problem that is challenging all nations in the world is the financial or monetary crisis. According to classical theory, he said, this happened due to regulation of the amount of money in circulation and inflation. However, nowadays, he continued, it is greatly influenced by the stability of the financial system due to the influence of globalization or an open economy.

"An open economy has a lot of capital flows, money flows, funds flowing in and out and what is dangerous is when there is a large and massive withdrawal of capital in one country, it can shake the stability of the financial system in that country," said Eko .

This book, continued Eko, is very unique because it was written by practicing central bankers from several countries. Apart from that, he continued, the book was edited directly by the Governor of Bank Indonesia, Perry Warjiyo.

"So this is a book written by the author or regulator himself, so the author's experience is a plus in this book," he explained.

Finally, Eko hoped that similar competitions could also be imitated by other educational institutions, especially UNAIR. Because based on his experience, this competition can encourage active reading which is of course very beneficial for the future.

"This book review competition can arouse interest in reading because by reading we can gain knowledge, information and values ​​that can be useful for our lives," he explained.

Author: Haryansyah Setiawan

Editor: Nuri Hermawan

source: https://www.unair.ac.id/dosen-feb-unair-sabet-juara-1-lomba-resensi-buku-bank-indonesia-jawa-timur/