2nd ECONOMIC OLYMPIADThursday, 27 October 2022, an event took place which adequately trained the skills, knowledge and creativity of the OE participants in the final and grand final of the 19th Economic Olympiad. The 19th Economic Olympiad (OE) is a national level Olympiad held by HIMA Economic Development, Universitas Airlangga , aimed at high school/equivalent students in Indonesia to hone their abilities and skills, especially in the field of Economics.

A total of 268 teams took part in the preliminary round which was held online via the OE website, then from the 268 teams they were filtered into 26 teams to take part in the semifinal round which was held online, also via the OE website and via Zoom. In this round, participants worked on several economic questions which were divided into three parts, namely multiple choice, fill the blank and smart economics.

Then, the 10 participants with the top scores from the semifinal round, namely the Skuy Living Team from Kharisma Bangsa High School, the Mother's Prayer Team from SMAN 2 South Tangerang City, the Keynes Team from MAN 2 Malang, the PRIBADI BANDUNG Team from Pribadi Bandung High School, the SMANSA PALEMBANG Team from Public High School 1 Palembang, the EKOlympus Team from Kesatuan Bangsa High School, the Crypto Cracker Team from SMAK ST.Louis 1 Surabaya, the BISMILLAH Team from Taruna Nusantara High School, the EKOTURA Team from Taruna Nusantara High School, and the Coztra Team from Al Bayan PU High School continued their progress to the final round. The round was held offline and took place at FEB Unair. This round consists of two parts, namely economic speed and solving the dice.3rd ECONOMIC OLYMPIAD

“The event is really exciting, you will continue to gain experience and make new friends. "Good luck to OE 19th friends, hopefully you get the best results," said the PRIBADI BANDUNG Team, one of the teams participating in OE 19th.

Next, the 5 teams with the top rankings, namely Team Keynes, Team EKOlympus, Team BISMILLAH, Team PRIBADI BANDUNG, and Team Skuy Living, continued to the grand final round which required each team to present answers to the case studies provided by the committee. These answers were assessed by 2 judges who are Lecturers at the Department of Economics, FEB Unair, namely Gigih Prihantono, SE, M.SE., and Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija, SE., M.Ec., as well as 1 judge who is a Lecturer at the Management Department, FEB Unair, namely Dr. Wisudanto, SE., MM., CFP, ASPM.


Based on the jury's assessment, the winners were announced in the following order:
First Place: Skuy Living Team from Kharisma Bangsa High School
Second Place: PRIBADI BANDUNG Team from Private Bandung High School
Third Place: BISMILLAH Team from Taruna Nusantara High School
First Place: Keynes Team from MAN 2 Malang City
Second Runner Up: EKOlympus Team from Kesatuan Bangsa High School


ECONOMIC OLYMPIAD4"This activity has become a tradition that continues to be carried out every year and is always welcomed by high school and equivalent students throughout Indonesia," said Mr. Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, SE., M.Si., Ph.D. as Head of the Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga.

Once again we congratulate and encourage the winners and finalists of OE 19th! Hopefully this work program will make it easier for high school/equivalent students to develop their talents and interests in the field of Economics. See you on top and see you on OE 20th!