bps feb unair(FEB NEWS) Wednesday, November 2 2022, the Accounting Department is again holding the "CEO TEACHING SERIES", this time for the Public Sector Accounting Course, Dr.

Wiwik Supratiwi, Dra., MBA., Ak. – Head of the Accounting Department, FEB UNAIR, invited Dr. Eny Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA – Head of the BPS RI Education and Training Center (PUSDIKLAT), as speaker and with moderator - Dr. Erina Sudaryati, Dra., MS., Ak. According to Dr. Eny Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA, currently the world is experiencing change or entering a disruptive era. In response to this, we must apply agile (flexible) characteristics so that we are not left behind. Always apply it to our mindset that we must be able to become world winners by adapting and changing. We can see from history that pandemics are one of the world-shaping factors that cause change. We can see, for example, that in the 541-750 BC the Justinian plague occurred which caused the Byzantine Emporium to break apart. This was followed by the emergence of the black death epidemic which led to the end of the feudal system and the smallpox epidemic which led to European colonization of the American continent. Then currently our country, Indonesia and even all countries in the world, are being hit by Covid, which researchers have linked to the Spanish flu outbreak in the 19th century. Covid has caused changes in the era of education, economy and lifestyle which are marked by world movements.

In the current era, the world and even our own country really need superior human resources (HR). So actually why in the current era do we need superior human resources, this is because the current world view has changed, currently there has been a paradigm shift (shifting) where previously HR was only seen as a production factor but now humans are seen as an asset (human capital) or capital for a company. In the past, humans were only told to pursue the amount of production or output, but when we become assets, our welfare, performance will be managed through education, training, career development, and we will be prepared for retirement through pension benefits. Responding to humans as assets, a competency map is needed. This competency map includes relevant characters or skills such as creative, innovative and ethical. Nowadays, with the ease of technology, we can find information (information is everywhere), apart from scientific information, it is now available everywhere.

Nowadays, we are also digital natives, where we are more accustomed and adaptable to technology.
As digital natives, we must be able to encourage learning growth by changing the current work ecosystem into an egalitarian ecosystem (an ecosystem where everyone continuously learns or grows). The pattern of development or delivery has also changed where we are now not only developing content but also developing characters into characters that grow and have innovative and creative power. The current development pattern no longer only uses the water tower pattern but also a fire lighter pattern (where through various development directions can be carried out like sparks that can build learning experiences). In this case, the government is also carrying out development through its ASN (State Civil Service), they must adjust their mindset and must be results-oriented (growth mindset) and adaptive to progress. In response to this, changes in the way humans work are influenced by technological breakthroughs as a force of change, scarcity of natural resources, climate change and demographic shifts (disruptive era). According to Alvin Toffler, an illiterate futurist in the 21st era is not someone who doesn't read or write but someone who doesn't want to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Today's HR challenge is technology where there is a demand for skill mastery in accordance with technological developments, then there is increasingly tighter competition accompanied by talent wars or struggles over human resources. Currently we are also entering the era of digital disruption where digital transformation is very fast and covers all aspects of business, government, society and drives change very quickly.

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The development of HR competencies, especially ASN towards professionalism, is based on 15 basic ASN values ​​plus 12 codes of ethics & behavior. Apart from that, knowledge is required (including educational background), then skills which include flying hours and experience from career, and attitude which includes actions or behavior and the values ​​and manners that we carry. Competencies are divided into three types, namely technical, managerial, and socio-cultural and professionalism competencies. BPS's orientation is currently changing because the world is becoming hybrid and collaborative. There can no longer be egos, whether sector egos, regional egos or knowledge egos. We must develop pentahelix collaboration. The pentahelix collaboration is an expansion of the triple helix strategy by involving various elements of society and non-profit institutions in order to realize innovation. Through this synergistic collaboration, it is hoped that innovation will be realized that is supported by various resources that interact synergistically to produce a 2022 APBN that is responsive, anticipatory and flexible and always innovates and anticipates various changes that occur.