(FEB NEWS) “CEO TEACHING SERIES” for the Islamic Development Economics course. Department of Islamic Economics under the leadership of Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE, M.Si. – Head of the Sharia Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), invited speakers from PT. Surta Prima Energy - Drs. H. Moh Bakir – President Commissioner of PT. Surta Prima Energi, where the lecture was held from Room 207, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR.
In his lecture, Drs. H. Moh Bakir, conveyed the challenges for Sharia Economics that will be faced in the future. Sharia Economics, according to Drs. H. Moh Bakir, is something that is very broad and can develop rapidly, if it is not only focused on the Sharia Finance sector. This is because Sharia Finance is a very complex matter, coupled with many differences of opinion among ulama. It's good to also pay attention to the real sector.
Next, he also stated that the above are challenges that Islamic Economics graduates will face in the future. There is a need for innovation that can connect sharia banking with the wider community, without the need for usury. It is also hoped that these innovations can make the Islamic Economy grow together, which can improve people's living standards.
Then, Drs. H. Moh Bakir also mentioned that there is still a lot of work that can be done, which does not violate Sharia Economic principles. According to him, many of these jobs can be found in the field because they involve seeing and connecting directly with the local community or in real terms. Without realizing it, getting closer to society directly will also make us aware of the problems that exist around us, and without realizing it has quite high economic potential.
#programstudis1 Ekonomiislamfebunair
#fakultas Ekonomidanbisnisunair