workshop feb unair 2022 1(FEB NEWS) Surabaya, October 27 – Research is one of the important things to do to find out the development of science. In addition, conducting research is an obligation for students to complete their study period.
To provide insight for students about doing good research, the Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga held a guest lecture with the theme "How to Do Academic Research From Scratch?" together with Professor Anu Rammohan from University of Western Australia. The guest lecture was led by lecturer of the Department of Economics, Mr. Wahyu Wisnu Wardana, MSc. as moderator and translator. This event was held at the KRMT Tirtodiningrat Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga on October 27th 2022. The guest lecture was attended by undergraduate students of Development Economics, Masters in Economics, and Doctoral in Economics.

Before doing research, the thing that needs to be done is to determine the topic. Topic determination can be done using Google Scholar. By using Google Scholar, research gaps and things that have not been done in previous research can be identified. When determining the research topic, it is necessary to narrow things that are general to things that are specific. This narrowing is important to do to find the research questions and data that will be used in the research.
Professor Anu Rammohan said that it is important to review things that are interesting and can be used as novelties to be researched. "Find out what research has been done and the extent of the research that will be done." said Prof. Anu. One of the important things to do when looking for research gaps and novelties is to conduct a literature review on previous research. When conducting a literature review, Prof. Anu suggests making notes on three important points from an article, which includes the background, methodology, and findings.

wordshop feb unair 2 Professor Anu Rammohan also gave a special message for undergraduate students who are working on their thesis. Professor Anu emphasized that there is no need to conduct research that is difficult and too deep because it takes too long for undergraduate students. On the contrary, Professor Anu suggested doing do-able research because the most important thing is that there are things that can be contributed to the research and the processing time can also be faster and more efficient.
There are things that are important to understand before conducting research, namely determining and understanding research questions. What research questions do you want to answer, whether to describe, compare, or evaluate. The research questions to be answered must also be specific to determine the approach to be used, whether qualitative or quantitative research. In addition, it is also important to understand when conducting research, namely what data will be used and why use the data, why it is an important issue to be raised, who will be affected by the problems and policies raised, and what contributions and benefits will be given to the literature.
After the workshop ended, students were also given the opportunity to have a one-on-one consultation with Professor Anu.