guest feb unair 2022 1Surabaya, October 28^th – Publication has become a way to communicate research results. Generally, the results of publications are published in journals with good reputations because the results of the research carried out can be trusted by the audience and become reference material for the development of further research. However, publishing research results in journals with high reputations has challenges along with journal publishers who maintain the quality of their publications.
To provide insight for students about publishing research results in reputable journals, the Department of Economics, Universitas Airlangga held a guest lecture with the theme "“How to Publish Your Paper in A Decent Academic Journal" with Prof. Anu Rammohan from The University of Western Australia as speaker. The guest lecture was led by Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Mrs. Martha Ranggi Primanthi as moderator. This event was held at the KRMT Tirtodiningrat Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga on October 31st, 2022. The guest lecture was attended by Masters Degree in Economics, and Doctoral Degree in Economics.

Professor Anu said that publication is a challenging thing. Especially when the publication of research results is published in journals with good quality. There are various challenges that must be faced when publishing, such as the competition with fellow researchers, as well as human constraints such as time, resources, and skills. In addition, there are certain requirements as well as a long process to maintain the quality of journals, resulting in low acceptance in journals with high reputations and causing publications uploaded to be delayed due to cancellations made by journal publishers. There are several reasons for the refusal to publish the results of publications, such as uninteresting and unimportant research questions; unclear writing style; the method chosen is not able to answer the research question; and weak empirical contributions to the topics raised.guest lecturer 2 feb unair

For that, Professor Anu revealed there are five tips for publishing research results in journals with high reputations. That is, the preparation of the manuscript; ensure that the writing is worthy of publication; write a good cover letter; deliver research results effectively; include references from research from reputable journals. Professor Anu stressed that when publishing in a journal with a high reputation, make sure that the research results are short, clear and easily understood by the journal's readers and follow the writing procedures provided by the journal publisher. In addition, there are other aspects that need to be considered, such as the novelty of the research and impactful.