teaching series feb unair(FEB NEWS) Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) under the leadership of Dr Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi. – Head of the Management Department, held a guest lecture "CEO Mengajar Series" which was attended by management students and attended by 2 speakers at once, namely; 1.) Abdul Manan as Senior Program Officer for BUMN PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk and 2.) Teddy Poernama as Coordinator of Middle Company Management of the Ministry of BUMN. With the lecture theme, namely Business Ethics and Social Responsibility,
on Monday, October 31 2020, there will be two sessions starting at 08.30 WIB and 09.30 WIB at the Mindrowo Hall, Fl. 3 FEB UNAIR Building.
Abdul Manan explained the profile description of the company PT Semen Indonesia Gresik (SIG). Who doesn't know PT Semen Indonesia Gresik (SIG), which has touched the global market from Asia, Australia to the Pacific. This PT, which is 51.01% owned by the government and 48.99% owned by the private sector. With fairly high productivity, it certainly has a high social impact as well.

So what kind of social and environmental responsibility (TJSL) is carried out by PT SIG? With direction from KBUMN, the main focus of the program is education, the environment and the development of MSMEs, this is of course related to CSR and the implication is that companies use Creating Shared Value (CSV) which has more benefits, one of which is creating social - economic benefits based on savings. Based on laws starting from Law no. 19 of 2003 concerning state-owned enterprises to management policies, in 2010 PT SIG implemented ISO 26000. It doesn't stop there, various forms of implementation such as the creation of PT Sinergi Mitra Operation Rembang (SMOR) which has a target sustainable, various activities are carried out in it, such as the use of biomass from agriculture, the use of city waste as an energy source, and the training and certification of builders. Things related to SGDs that must be realized by all countries include 4 pillars, namely social, economic and environmental development as well as law and governance so that they are able to represent almost 17 components of SGDs. Mr. Manan also said that he was opening up as many opportunities as possible for students who wanted to do internships at PT Semen Indonesia Gresik.

ceo teaches feb unair serias Then what about the other subsidiaries of the state-owned company? and how is TJSL implemented in BUMN? This was conveyed by Teddy Poernama that since 1983, BUMN has been trying to implement TJSL, not many people consider this to be a fairly high cost, with this form of implementation through CSR, then the era has developed to make a number of comprehensive improvements to BUMN. Improvements have continued to be made from time to time, starting from the mention of PEGELKOP, PUK, PUKK, PKBL, to now what is called TJSL.

teaching series feb unair 2 Apart from PT SIG, within BUMN itself there are still many who implement CSV which is considered more efficient than CSR with the principles established by BUMN, namely integrity, direction, measurable impact and accountability. Teddy Poernomo also said that the program that is being implemented requires innovation that comes from young people. He said that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is management of the impact of directors' policies which is also part of business ethics. Policies in BUMN vary in relation to CSR to various CSV implementations. Such as the following programs carried out by companies under the auspices of BUMN, namely the SMEs development program for chemical pharma essential oils, FABA management from coal waste which has beneficial value for the community environment from PLN, then from pawning with waste management which has a waste bank procurement agent turnover of IDR 2.163 billion through social investment with the capacity of each waste bank being able to manage 18.6 tons of waste assuming an average waste price of IDR. 3000/kg.
So, are you interested in exploring CSR or even CSV programs? because his analytical skills are really needed in various companies, including BUMN which has various programs to overcome problems by using appropriate business ethics as a form of social and environmental responsibility from the company to the community.

At the end of the session, Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto gave students the opportunity to ask/give critical thoughts, and seen in the picture, Latifatunnisa Nur Jana was one of the FEB UNAIR students who received a prize from Abdul Manan as Senior Officer of the PT BUMN Program. Semen Indonesia Gresik (SIG) on 31 October 2022. Not only that, several other students from both the Undergraduate Study Program and the Master's Study Program, also received prizes thanks to the critical thinking presented in front of Mr. Abdul Manan so that a form of appreciation was also given in the form of souvenirs from PT SIG tbk .