mbkm internship feb unair(FEB NEWS) Taking part in an internship is mandatory for every Universitas Airlangga student to improve their work skills, both soft skills and hard skills. The Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture really helps Universitas Airlangga students, especially students from the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) in obtaining internships at various companies in Indonesia. Ervinna Yuni Budi L is one of 5 students from the FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Accounting Study Program, who was selected and passed the internship at PT Syncore Indonesia for the period August – December.


Ervinna, who is her nickname, told FEB NEWS Thursday (1/11) that she first found out about the internship announcement sent via email. Ervinna really wants to do an internship in semester 7 after completing various courses while working on her thesis. PT Syncore Indonesia was chosen as the place to intern because of the very promising position, namely Junior Consultant - Finance BLUD.

"I have a dream of becoming a financial and tax consultant. From this internship I want to learn how consultants work and practice directly as a junior consultant," he said.

Of course, during her internship at PT Syncore Indonesia, Ervinna gained various valuable experiences. One of them was related to a placement far from his home area of ​​Sidoarjo, he was placed at the Jatinangor Community Health Center, Sumedang Regency, which is a working partner of PT Syncore Indonesia. For him, the workers there gave him a lot of knowledge and he helped with various tasks to speed up work there.

"The officers/workers there often carry out activities in the field, as someone who doesn't work in the field, I help a lot to complete the tasks there. "Apart from that, I was also given a lot of knowledge related to government accounting," said the slender student.

Apart from that, Ervinna also helped a lot regarding the system, both the BLUD system and manual recording via Excel to make recording there easier.

"Regarding the system, our job is to be placed there to help and complete various capabilities related to the BLUD and Excel systems that have been previously provided by the company," he continued.

During his internship at PT Syncore Indonesia, he enjoyed his work and gained a lot of knowledge, which according to him also required self-evaluation regarding shortcomings to further improve his potential and quality.

“During my internship, my colleagues and I came from accounting, and the other workers mostly came from medical personnel, we learned a lot from each other. However, I am always happy to be there to give the best of my ability. "Therefore, I am happy and proud to have been given the mandate to do an internship at PT Syncore through the MBKM program," he said.

Universitas Airlangga , especially FEB UNAIR, has prepared its students to actively start internships through various programs, especially the MBKM program. Various efforts have been made through the spread of open recruitment by companies that are currently opening active internship programs to provide a platform and opportunity for all students to take part in internship programs. This activity is a form of FEB UNAIR's support in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) 8.