Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) under the leadership of Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, SE., MSi. held a guest lecture "CEO Mengajar Series" which was attended by management students Class of 2021 with resource person Pranowo Tri Nusantoro - HRGA Director PT Petro Oxo Nusantara (PON) on Thursday, 27 October 2020 at 10.00 WIB at the Fajar Notonegoro Hall, Floor. 2. 



On this occasion, an overview of the profile of the company PT PON is presented, which is a semi-government company where 50% of the shares are held by the private sector, namely from PT Lintas Lima Lestari Laksana which comes from Singapore and 50% of the shares come from the government, namely the Ministry of Finance, which is distributed to PERTAMINA then continued to PT. Tuban Petrochemical Industries (TubanPetro). It is located in Gresik and has 189 employees and the production raw materials used are propellant and natural gas. With the latest total assets of almost 2 trillion rupiah. The product is 2- Ethyl Hexanol which is the raw material for PPE and rubber gloves, then there is Iso - Butanol, Normal - Butanol and CO2 Liquid. Founded in 1990 until now, we still continue to innovate products (devicification), markets (development), and people (development) until we are able to reach international markets such as China, Australia, UAE, India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, including buying and selling itself in Indonesia. PT PON has its own port to simplify the process of sending its products either by ship. PT PON's vision is to become a reliable producer of 2-Ethyl Hexanol (2-EH) and other petrochemical products that are able to provide added value for stakeholders and its mission is 1. To provide quality, environmentally friendly products and services and be committed to safety as well as occupational health; 2. Develop new products that provide added value to the Company; 3. Have professional human resources with integrity; 4. Contribute to the social economic development of society and national industry.


Apart from providing a general overview of PT PON's company profile, Pranowo also provides a basis for how to manage operational and supply chain management which can be a basis for students when exploring the real world of work, namely in the form of SIPOC (supplier, input, process, output and customer). The delivery of the material is continued with a one-by-one dissection of the SIPOC components, starting from the supplier which includes the type of supplier, supplier location, and type of goods. Then the second is input which includes the procurement process, warehousing or werehouse, and procedures. Third, there is a process that focuses on quality and quantity which will have an impact on the consumption ratio. The fourth is output which includes marketing, transportation mode, and sales mode. And the last one is customer which includes consumer location, consumer type and studying consumer psychology to be able to analyze customer satisfaction so that companies can innovate to meet consumer needs and desires. 




Pranowo also provided information regarding PT PON for students, namely that PT PON opens up wide opportunities for students who want to do internships at the PT PON Gresik company either independently or through the MBKM route, and also conveyed that great opportunities can be had by every participant who primarily has foreign language skills such as Mandarin because PT PON has explored the international market. 


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