(FEB NEWS) In order to foster entrepreneurial spirits among young people, especially FEB UNAIR students, and also MSMEs, the Department of Economics - Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a guest lecture event "CEO TEACHING" for students, the general public and MSMEs, with the theme "HOW TO BECOME A YOUNG EXPORTER, to increase economic growth, which is inclusive and sustainable".

The event was held from the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, 2nd Floor, FEB UNAIR, presenting 3 CEOs, as resource persons: 1.) CEO of PT. Promotion of Indonesia Sarana Global - Reza Fernanda Muhammad; 2.) CEO of PT. Adipati Jaya Abadi Exporter - Hindra Soeparjanto; 3.) CEO of Putera Nusantara Group, Exporter - Wahyu Kusuma Hadi; and with 2 moderators: 1.) First session moderator: Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, Ph.D – Head of the Department of Economics FEB UNAIR; 2.) The Moderator for the 2nd Session is Deni Kusumawardani, SE., M.Si. - KPS Masters in Economics.

This event was held to inspire and foster creative and innovative entrepreneurial spirits from young people, especially FEB UNAIR students, and also MSME players, as well as providing insight into tips for being a successful exporter. very interesting way.

First session Guest Lecture, "Becoming an Exporter from a Young Age with Creativity and Innovation" by the CEO of PT. Promotion of Indonesia Global Sarana - Reza Fernanda Muhammad. In this session, Reza shared his successful experience of being able to export bathroom equipment products using Indonesian shellfish, through various product exhibitions abroad. Reza also talked about how he faced tough competition between neighboring countries, which began to imitate his products by using imitation materials and selling them at cheaper prices. As an entrepreneur you must be tenacious and patient, entrepreneurs are also required to continue to be creative and innovate. When is the time for a company to experience a saturation point, then creativity and innovation must continue to be carried out, such as diversifying products or looking for new market opportunities.

Different from the first material, Hindra Soeparjanto - CEO of PT. Adipati Jaya Abadi Exportir, presented "How to Become an Exporter Without Capital Through the International Digital Marketplace". With enthusiasm, Hindra Soe delivered his material which was also based on a true story, where Hindra Soe carried out his business, with no capital until now and was successful.

The material is presented briefly, lightly and humorously, but is still able to inspire the audience to choose how to succeed as an entrepreneur. 

Hindra inspires young people and also MSME players, that being successful does not have to involve large capital, but simply by "continuously optimizing the thinking power" of an entrepreneur/prospective entrepreneur, because according to Hindra Soe, that "our thinking power is also capital.”

Hindra Soe stated that "Exporting is easy and everyone has the opportunity". Successful entrepreneurs must be able to change inhibiting mindsets, such as: Product exports must be 1 container, Product exports require large capital, the theory that, Assets = Capital + Debt. All of these are mindsets that hinder you, and must be changed to positive ones, and think seriously and sincerely, "How do you do it?".

There are several tips given by Hindra to become a successful entrepreneur without capital:

1. Maximize our thinking power

2. Focus on Strength and Opportunity

3. Choose the type of export company, namely through Export No. producer

4. International Promotion

5. Sincerity that you don't have money, serious consultation, patience, confidence that you can do it


He conveyed all the tips for "Hindra Soe-style success" in a light and fun way.

Meanwhile the final material, "Strategy to Penetrate the Export Market Through Certification and Standardization of Export Products", was delivered by Wahyu Kusumo Hadi - CEO of Putera Nusantara Group, Exporter, which provided a detailed explanation of Export Conditions, Goods that are prohibited from Export, Business Licensing, Exporter Preparation, and Standardization of export products.

Greetings from us, Ksatriya Airlangga,


Young Success as an Entrepreneur, Who's Afraid!