(FEB NEWS) Second week of October, 11 October 2022 to be precise, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) again received a campus visit, this time from SMA Negeri 4 Malang, with the aim of getting a closer picture of FEB UNAIR, and tips for getting in and being accepted at FEB UNAIR.
The group from SMAN 4 Malang, which is also known as SMA Tugu Malang, which is one of the favorite high schools in Malang City, came with 3 buses, consisting of 12 accompanying teachers and 216 students (science and social studies classes).
Visiting guests were welcomed from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR. by Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec. – Staff of the Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR, Sylva Alif Rusmita, SE., CIFP – Secretary of KPS S1 Islamic Economics, Dr. Dien Mardhiyah, SE, M.Si. – KPS S1 Management, Alfiyatul Qomariyah, S.Ak., M.BA., Ph.D. – KPS S1 Accounting, Rumayya, SE, M.Reg.Dev., Ph.D. – KPS S1 Development Economics, Indah Yulia Prafitaning Tiyas, S.ST., MT – Head of Subdivision. FEB UNAIR Student Affairs and Vania Safira Febrianti – President of BEM FEB UNAIR, and also the Team from the External Relations Department of BEM FEB UNAIR.
The speech from FEB UNAIR was given by Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec. – Deputy Dean I Staff of FEB UNAIR, while from SMAN 4 Malang it was given by Zafifatus Zuhriyah, S.Pd – BK Teacher at SMAN 4 Malang, and the material was given in person. complete with all undergraduate study programs, economics, management, accounting and Islamic economics study programs.
(Greetings from Muhammad Syaikh Rohman, SE., M.Ec. – Deputy Dean I Staff of FEB UNAIR (left photo) and Greetings from Zafifatus Zuhriyah, S.Pd. – Guidance Teacher at SMAN 4 Malang (right photo), at the Campus Visit – SMAN 4 Malang, from Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, 11/10/2022).
Zafifatus Zuhriyah, S.Pd., in his speech hoped that this collaboration would continue, and that more students from SMAN 4 Malang would be accepted at Universitas Airlangga, especially FEB UNAIR.
The students of SMAN 4 Malang look very happy to be at FEB UNAIR, in fact, according to their confession, being at FEB UNAIR is like a dream, and they just found out that at FEB UNAIR there is an Islamic Economics Study Program, which is the best Islamic Economics Study Program in Indonesia .
Hopefully this visit can be a blessing, for you to set foot again at FEB UNAIR as FEB UNAIR students.
Keep your spirits up, little brothers
Try, pray and trust
We are waiting for you guys to join FEB UNAIR
Greetings, from Airlangga Knights,
#campus visit