(FEB NEWS) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) collaborates with the Projects Management Office (PMO) Pre-Employment Card to organize a PUBLIC LECTURE event with the theme: "How the Government Achieve More With Less, Through Innovation: Card Pre-Employment Program", for students within Universitas Airlangga and also to the public, as a dissemination of achievements from the implementation of the Pre-Employment Card Program since it was first launched in 2020. The event was held from the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, 2nd floor FEB UNAIR, (16/9/2022).

The event opened with remarks from the Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSI., AK., CMA., CA. and attended by around 300 female students from FEB UNAIR, Alumni, faculties within UNAIR, outside UNAIR such as from the Open University; Pelita Harapan University Surabaya; Surabaya State University, Malang Islamic University, Jakarta National University, Makassar State University, and also from general elements.

Present as speakers at the event, MPPKP Director of Operations and Technology - Hengki M. Sihombing, with moderator Ilmiawan Auwalin , SE., M.App. Ec., Ph.D. – Lecturer at the Department of Economics, FEB UNAIR.

As mentioned by Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSI., AK., CMA., CA. in his opening remarks, that the Pre-Employment Card has 3 objectives, namely: 1. developing the competency of the workforce, 2. increasing the productivity and competitiveness of the workforce, and; 3. develop entrepreneurship. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSI., AK., CMA., CA. also stated that there are 5 types of Pre-Employment Card Program training with the highest interest, namely 1. Online Marketing. 2. Food and Beverage Industry. 3. Information Technology; 4. Office Training and 5. Entrepreneurship Training.

As a product, the Pre-Employment Card Program is a program that is well received by users. Based on the survey that was conducted, according to Hengki M. Sihombing, in his material, as many as 96.1% of participants were satisfied with the training they attended, and 96.4% of participants were satisfied with the incentive payment mechanism they received, even the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that the Pre-Employment System is best practice and can be used as an example for other programs. In less than 3 years, Prakerja has been able to serve more than 5% of all Indonesian people or 10% of the workforce in Indonesia. In more detail, Henki M. Sihombing explains in his material, starting from how a system or product or service for the pre-employment card program is built, what the pre-employment background is, how to start making a digital product to serve the community, to the output and outcomes that can be obtained from a products or services or innovations carried out.

With this public lecture, it is hoped that it can provide education and insight to students regarding the benefits and importance of the Pre-Employment Card Program. Considering the benefits are quite large and have a very real impact in helping to reduce the number of unemployed and reduce the amount of poverty. This activity also supports the SDG's 4, 8 and 17 programs.


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