(FEB NEWS) FEB UNAIR continues to be committed to implementing the MBKM Structured Internship Program, one of which is collaboration between the Department of Sharia Economics together with partners the Indonesian Waqf Movement Foundation (GWI). A series of MBKM opening events accompanied by the Launching of Sobat Waqf GWI took place in the Glowstick Room Lobby of the Santika Premier Gubeng Hotel, Surabaya with great fanfare on Saturday (03/9/2022).

The event was attended by GWI Management: 1.) Ir. Irwan Agustiawan Fuad, M.Si – GWI Board of Trustees; 2.) Nanag Abdul Chanan – Secretary; 3.) HM Yousri Nur Raja Agam – Public Relations and Publications, apart from that there were also two resource persons present for the talk show session: 1.) Agus Ismail, ST., MBA - Head of Talent Acquisition, Organizational Excellence and Employee Services PT. Generali Indonesia Life Insurance; 2.) Prof. Dr. Nurul Huda Dt, Mulia, MM., M.Si – Commissioner of the Indonesian Waqf Board, while from FEB UNAIR present: 1.) Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CMA., CA.; 2.) Bayu Arie Fianto, SE., MBA., Ph.D - Coordinator of the Islamic Economics Undergraduate Study Program; 3.) Selected MBKM Bachelor of Islamic Economics students.

As an effort to popularize waqf while building a sharia entrepreneurial spirit, GWI will deploy a number of Waqf Friends including 30 MBKM FEB students. MBKM's structured internship program with GWI will implement a hybrid scheme, with 40% providing online understanding of information to students regarding the challenges of productive waqf management as well as its application in the waqfpreneur sector, while 60% of the main activity is inviting and providing solutions so that anyone can be a waqf and have good deeds. As a form of appreciation, Waqf Friends will later receive rewards in the form of Sharia Certificates, free Umrah trips, overseas trips (both Asia and Europe), and scholarships and allowances. This series of activities is a manifestation of SDG's Point 4 to realize quality education.   

The launch of GWI Waqf Friends was marked by beating the gong and giving uniforms to MBKM FEB UNAIR student representatives. This was followed by the signing of the Collaboration Agreement between FEB UNAIR and GWI which marked the start of the responsibility of 30 MBKM FEB UNAIR students as Waqf Friends pioneers. This activity is in line with Learning Outcomes (CPL) for Bachelor of Islamic Economics number three, namely as an Islamic economic and social financial planner so that students are expected to be able to develop zakat, infaq and waqf empowerment programs to empower communities in both villages and cities in accordance with the principles and rules of economic development. in Islam as well as governance of zakat, infaq and waqf empowerment programs.  

Let's make it a success with the Indonesian Waqf Movement!

Collaboration for the country

MBKM Internship

Producing quality graduates

Producing superior human resources for advanced Indonesia

Synergize with a heart for Mother Earth







#febunair&indonesianwakafin movement


#improving the quality of febunair graduates



#indonesiawakavindonesia movement







