(FEB NEWS) As a follow-up effort to the previous meeting, and also to continue the shared spirit of creating superior human resources for ADVANCED INDOENSIA, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) once again accepted the invitation, to hold a Coordination Meeting to discuss the MBKM FEB UNAIR Structured Internship collaboration , this time together with the Surabaya City Inspectorate, from the meeting room on the 1st floor of the Surabaya City Inspectorate, Jl. Sedap Malam No.5-7, Surabaya (30/8/2022).
The meeting was attended by a team from the Surabaya City Inspectorate: 1.) Dahliana Lubis, SP, MM – Secretary; 2.) Tatang Imawan, SE - Special Assistant Inspector; 3.) M. Asrul Sani, S. Sos, MM - Assistant Inspector 1; 4.) Reward Siswo Pramono, ST, MT. - Assistant Inspector 2; 5.) Chalid, SE, MM - Assistant Inspector 3, and 6.) Anis Nur Samsiati, SE, MAP - Sub coordinator for General Personnel, while from FEB UNAIR present: 1.) Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo; 2.) Deputy Dean III FEB UNAIR – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi; 3.) Alfiyatul Khomariyah, SE., MBA., Ph.D. – Coordinator of the Bachelor of Accounting Study Program.
Both agreed to jointly realize the government's vision to produce superior human resources for advanced Indonesia. FEB UNAIR and the Surabaya City Inspectorate discussed in more detail the implementation scheme of the Structured Internship Program - MBKM to ensure that internship activities are more effective and efficient, able to provide benefits as big as possible, both for students, internship institutions and also faculties as educational institutions (making quality education a reality).
Dahliana Lubis, SP, MM – Secretary, said that “Surabaya City Inspector, Dr. Ikhsan, S.Psi., MM, very much welcomes this collaboration plan" and is in line with the direction of the Mayor of Surabaya - Eri Cahyadi., ST., MT., for the existence of a Shadow Auditor from the Surabaya City Inspectorate, so that interns are required to be placed in Blood Devices, as well as other schemes, to ensure that the activities carried out by students can support the credit load they are currently taking, and students gain valuable experience from internship activities in the field, so that students' insight and skills, both hard skills and soft skills can be achieved. fulfilled.
Let's make it a success, together!
Collaboration for the country
MBKM Internship
Producing quality graduates
Producing superior human resources for advanced Indonesia
Synergize with a heart for Mother Earth
#improving the quality of febunair graduates