(FEB NEWS) FEB SATU for UNAIR and INDONESIA, this is the theme initiated by the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), which has turned 61 years old.

At the age of 61 this year, FEB UNAIR means "FEB SATU for UNAIR and Indonesia", the number 1 with red inscribed on it, expresses that, Satu = Collaborating and synergizing all stakeholders in one determination to realize the vision and mission of FEB UNAIR, One = Being the best, in contributing to the University's performance achievements, the best at regional, national and global levels.

To celebrate, FEB UNAIR held an event - Tasyakuran 61 Years FEB UNAIR (8/8/2022), which was marked by Tumpeng & Cake Cutting by the Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. accompanied by the Chancellor of Universitas Airlangga - Prof. Dr. Moh Nasih, SE., MT., Ak., and Chair of IKAFE UNAIR - H. Fandi Akhmad Yani., SE. as well as launching a series of events for the 61st Anniversary of FEB UNAIR, which are summarized in:

 1. 1000 MBKM Students: 

- FEB Synergy/Industrial Internship, 

- FEB Teaching and 

- FEB Contribute

2. 100 Teaching CEOs & Alumni Back to Campus 

3. International Research Bootcamp: Summer International Week 

4. FEB Cares: Blood Donation & Health Checks, New Students Care for 61 MSMEs

5. FEB Fun Match Games (organized by BEM) 

6. Dean Cup (organized by BEM)

7. Efestaphoria (organized by BEM)

8. Career Day and Job Fair (organized by BEM & IKAFE)

9. Healthy FEB: Healthy Walking and Gowes (organized by IKAFE)

10. Alumni Service and Gala Dinner (organized by IKAFE)


A series of events for the 61st Anniversary of FEB UNAIR, some of which were a collaboration between FEB UNAIR, the Student Executive Board (BEM) FEB UNAIR, and IKAFE UNAIR (Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Airlangga ).


Chancellor of Universitas Airlangga – Prof. Dr. Moh. Nasih SE., MT., Ak., in his speech conveyed the importance of SMART UNIVERSITY in implementing work programs, especially in achieving the University Performance Index (IKU). SMART itself has the meaning (S = Smart Education; M = Meaningful Research and Community Services; A = Acceleration Innovation and Enterprising; R = Responsive and Lean Management; T = Top up Tangible and Intangible Resource Utilization).


The entire series of activities for the 61st DIES NATALIS FEB UNAIR was fully supported by IKAFE UNAIR, as stated by H. Fandi Akhmad Yani, SE / Gus Yani (Chair of IKAFE UNAIR).


Come, rise together, synergize with a heart for Mother Earth.