(FEB NEWS) As a first step to strengthen the public relations line at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), the Coordinator of the FEB UNAIR Information and Public Relations Center – Nur Aini Hidayati., SE., MSi., Ph.D. together with the team (Candra, Riska and Ina), also together with the IKAFE UNAIR Public Relations Team (Mahrezaldy, David and Nisa), Head of the Medkominfo Bureau BEM FEB UNAIR - Rizky Tri Paramanandana, Staff of the Medkominfo Bureau BEM FEB - Fara Fahira Belqis Rearbi, and also the Chair General LPPM SECTOR - Zafirah Haezah Hazrati Muftin, initiated a synergy visit/silaturahmi to the Beritajatim.com office located at Jl. Kutisari IX No.2, Siwalankerto, Kec. Wonocolo, Surabaya, (19/7/2022).

The visit was welcomed by the General Leadership and Chief Editor of Beritajatim.com - Dwi Eko Lokononto, together with the Business Director - Saptini Darmaningrum. In his warm welcome, Dwi Eko Lokononto really appreciated the visit and agreed to the aims and objectives of FEB UNAIR's visit. According to Dwi Eko Lokononto, "If FEB UNAIR really wants to be an important part of the development of East Java or become a locomotive for development in East Java, then the choice is none other than to improve the quality of its reporting, including the quality of its publications."  

Even though the meeting was quite short, the knowledge/experience that Dwi Eko Lokononto imparted was truly extraordinary and very valuable. Dwi Eko Lokononto also stated that he was ready to collaborate with FEB UNAIR and IKAFE UNAIR to contribute and play a big role in development, especially in East Java.

Quoting the motto from Beritajatim.com, greetings from us FEB UNAIR and IKAFE UNAIR,

"Synergize to continue to greet Indonesia with Beritajatim.com"

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