(FEB NEWS) Ahead of the Offline Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) Even Semester FY 2021/2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a Casual Talk Event with Students and Parents/Guardians, regarding the Socialization of the Implementation of Offline Semester UTS Evens FY 2021/2022, virtually, on Friday, April 8 2022.
The casual talk event was attended by more than 200 participants consisting of FEB UNAIR Leaders, FEB UNAIR Management, Lecturers, Undergraduate Students, and Parents/Guardians.
Present, giving a speech by the Dean of FEB UNAIR - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. while the Socialization Material was provided by Deputy Dean I – FEB UNAIR – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo , with Moderator, M. Khoirul Mubin, SE., MSc. – Staff of Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR.
Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, explained that preparations for normal conditions had been prepared for a long time, and now FEB UNAIR must start to transition to a new normal, "we can no longer hide behind a laptop screen, to undergo the education process at an institution, which has been recognized its credibility, which is getting increasing world rankings, especially FEB UNAIR, where the Study Programs at FEB UNAIR (Accounting, Economics and Management), in the month of Ramadhan are getting blessings."
In this socialization, it was explained about the new parking area that has been provided by Universitas Airlangga, with routes for entering and exiting vehicles (motorbikes/cars) that have been specially arranged for students by Universitas Airlangga ahead of the implementation of offline lectures, provisions for procedures and entry and exit routes. FEB UNAIR Building, then the types of UTS exams (Offline-Offline/Offline-Online/Online-Online), also regarding what can and cannot be done during the exam and after the exam. All information regarding these provisions can be accessed via FEB UNAIR social media.
Let's welcome the new normal life with positive thinking and enthusiasm.
Greetings from us,
Happy Studying, good luck in the exam.
#UTSGenapTa2021/2022 Socialization OfflineFebUnair
#Faculty ofEconomicsAndBusinessUnair
#Airlangga University