(FEB NEWS) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR), held a Leadership Coordination Meeting (RAKORPIM) "Performance Targets for 2022" FEB UNAIR, from the Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya, for 2 days, from 31 March - 1 April 2022 .
RAKORPIM was held in order to equalize perceptions, to strengthen ranks in achieving the targets mandated by Universitas Airlangga.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., CMA., CA., together with the deputy deans, Deputy Dean I – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, Deputy Dean II – Dr. Nisful Laila, and Deputy Dean III – Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, together invited and provided direction (Fields I, II and III), for all FEB UNAIR managers regarding the strategies that need to be implemented to achieve all these targets. In the Briefing Session, all managers present were also wide open to provide additional suggestions/input regarding what strategies needed to be developed to achieve targets.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia emphasized to all FEB UNAIR Management, both in her speech and presentation, that "Target" should not be interpreted as a burden/target for individuals (departments/managers), but should be considered as motivation to equalize perceptions, unite steps, and close ranks to collectively together with lecturers and also with students in achieving each of these targets.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak. Inviting all managers to build a pattern/culture of cooperation/joining hands in every activity in order to provide the maximum for the institution (FEB UNAIR), "let's do various activities together, to provide services to all stakeholders and for the good name of FEB UNAIR, so that in the end "No matter how high the target is given, let's do it together, in synergy".
Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, added in his briefing, that "Target numbers have been determined definitively, so that the direction and objectives of every activity and program in each unit at FEB UNAIR are expected to be more focused, starting today." The spirit that is built is the "Spirit of Collaboration", because each PIC activity will not only be in one unit/institution/department/prodi, but will be carried out jointly.
In closing the RAKORPIM, it closed with a very beautiful prayer from Luthfi Nur Rosyidi, SE., MM, "O Allah, Ya Aziiz Ya Jabbar, make the targets and challenges that are in front of us as prayer mats for our worship, as a ground for purifying the soul we. Make these tasks our string of prayer beads, as our link between Your grace and Your love. Straighten our intentions, bless our efforts."
May this beautiful Ijabah Prayer always be poured out for all of us – the big family of FEB UNAIR.
Greetings from us.
Synergize with the heart, for FEB SATU – UNAIR GREAT
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