23 Mar 2022 KulTam Prof Narayan

On Wednesday, March 23 2022, the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga held a guest lecture on the topic "Sampling techniques and their application in empirical research" with speaker Dr. Narayan Sethi from National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India. This event was opened with remarks given by the Chair of the Department of Economics, Unair, Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, Ph.D and moderated by one of the Statistics course lecturers, Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija, SE, M.Ec. 


In this guest lecture, Rossanto Dwi Handoyo, Ph.D began his remarks by explaining a brief profile of the Department of Economics and Universitas Airlangga as a whole. Furthermore, he said that mastery of quantitative tools such as statistics is very relevant and needed by Development Economics students in understanding the economic phenomena around us. Rossanto also hopes that with this guest lecture entitled sampling techniques, students can learn and understand the various existing sampling methods and can use them in economic research. Ultimately, the hope is that the students' research (thesis) process will be faster due to a better understanding of statistical tools. Before closing his remarks, Rossanto also expressed his hope that there would be further collaboration between Dr. Narayan Sethi with the Department of Economics in various forms such as joint research or joint publication to adjunct professor programs.


In a guest lecture attended by lecturers from the Department of Economics and around 120 students from the Development Economics Bachelor's study program, Dr. Narayan Sethi explained several important points of sampling techniques. The first is related to the concepts of sample, population, elements, sample frame, sample size and also census. Then he also explained the advantages of using sampling in socio-economic research. Third, Dr. Narayan elaborates on various sampling procedures and the types of sampling themselves.


From the material presented, Dr. Narayan also emphasized that sampling is a process of selecting elements or members from a population so that when analyzing a sample, a researcher can generalize the results of the sample analysis to also apply to the population. Next, Dr. Narayan also mentioned various benefits from sampling research objects, such as requiring relatively little time, cheaper costs, and the convenience aspect.


At the end of the presentation of the material, the moderator gave the guest lecture participants the opportunity to ask various questions. Various questions arose from students and lecturers who attended the event. 


At the end of his guest lecture, Dr. Narayan Sethi expressed his thanks for the invitation and he very much welcomed the possibility of potential collaboration between the Department of Economics and the campus where he teaches. /by www.