(FEB NEWS) "Monev and Discussion on Higher Education Collaboration", held again by the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) together with the Central Statistics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPS RI), from the Fadjar Notonegoro Hall, 2nd Floor FEB UNAIR, on Thursday, March 10, 2022.
The Delegation Team from BPS, led directly by Dr. Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA. - Head of the Central Statistics Agency Education and Training Center, consisting of: 1.) Head of General Section - Central Statistics Agency Education and Training Center – Dr. Ahmadriswan Nasution, S.Sc., MT.; 2.) Young Expert Personnel Analyst - Central Statistics Agency Education and Training Center – Yuli Cahyaningrum, S.Sos.; 3.) Young Expert Widyaiswara - Central Statistics Agency Education and Training Center – Cepy Ramdhani, S.ST., M.Stat.
The FEB UNAIR team is led directly by the Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. accompanied by Deputy Dean I - Dr. Wisnu Wibowo; Deputy Dean II – Dr. Nisful Laila, and Deputy Dean III - Dr. Ahmad Rizki Sridadi, also present were FEB UNAIR Management consisting of the Head of the Accounting Department - Dr. Wiwik Supratiwi, Dra., M.BA, Ak.; Ko. Masters Study Program - Master of Economics – Dr. Deni Kusumawardani, SE, M.Si; Ko. Masters Study Program – Master of Management Science – Dr. Rahmat Setiawan, SE., MM; Ko. Masters Study Program – Master of Accounting – Damai Nasution, SE., MSi., Ph.D. and Staff. Deputy Dean II FEB UNAIR - Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, SE., CiFP.
Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA also Dr. Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA. agreed to immediately follow up on the extension of cooperation (MOU) between BPS RI and Universitas Airlangga , the validity period of which will expire on April 17 2022.
Dr. Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA., stated in her speech that the priority of BPS in 2022, as a Strategic Program from BPS is that "there are no more human resources from BPS who have a bachelor's degree or below", as well as overcoming the problem of the Competency Gap . These two things are the main priorities in 2022, apart from the Risk Management Master's Program, as well as the Double Degree. For this reason, in developing the competency of HR at BPS, it will still be taken using 2 (two) routes, namely the Degree Path and the Non-Degree Path. The degree path is taken with a Bachelor's and Master's Degree Study Assignment in Risk Management. Meanwhile, the non-degree route is taken through the Risk Management Short Course.
Dr. Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA., stated that BPS still hopes for the development of other short courses, so that it is hoped that it can reduce the competency gap that occurs.
Through, Head of the Accounting Department - Dr. Wiwik Supratiwi, Dra., M.BA, Ak., - Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. assigned to follow up/further finalize the short course collaboration.
Dr. Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA. In his response he also stated that he was very happy and proud of the academic results of the Study Task Students at FEB UNAIR, that they had all shown extraordinary achievements and contributions to their company. Dr. Eni Lestariningsih, S.Si., MA. We hope that BPS students who are still pursuing their education will continue to receive guidance and direction from the Masters Study Program Coordinators - Master of Management Science, Master of Accounting and Master of Economics.
At the end of the event Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. expressed his hope that the discussion/meeting would always bring blessings to both parties, 2 (two) large institutions that both contributed superior human resources to Indonesia.
In the closing discussion session, Dr. Wisnu Wibowo expressed his satisfaction that the discussion could take place in a blessed and very productive manner, carrying out the spirit of BPS, which according to Dr. Wisnu Wibowo means: B = SHARE; P = ROLE and S = for SUCCESS, in response to the statement by Cepy Ramdhani, S.ST., M.Stat., that the most important thing for a Financial Manager is Success, which according to Cepy, SUCCESS means: Su = Supporting all activities, K = Leadership policies and programs must continue to be implemented, Ses = All administrative aspects and completeness are met.
Hopefully the collaboration that exists can strengthen ties and increase cooperation between the two to be able to produce superior human resources for INDONESIA.