UNAIR NEWS – Management Department, Faculty of Business Economics (FEB), Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) held a webinar entitled Preparing Human Capital for 2022 and Beyond on Wednesday (2/3/2022). The activity, which was held online via a zoom meeting, presented the Director of the Management and Business Development Institute (LPMB) Universitas Airlangga Dr. Windijarto MBA as resource person.

In this activity Dr. Windijarto MBA said, FEB UNAIR opened several trainings. Starting from leadership training to increasing sensitivity in effective communication.

"The training that we will carry out will refer more to the Top Ten HR Trends for the 2022 Workplace. "One of them, the future of work is employee well-being," he said.

Windijarto said that implementing worker welfare in a company would reduce the number of resignations. Especially in generation Z who prioritize welfare benefits in choosing a new job.


Five Keys to Worker Well-being


Dr Windijarto further explained that there are five things that workers expect. First, financial well-being which includes all compensation, pension funds, and health and education funds.

“Then, mental health well-being. Health is important, especially mental health. "Large companies must start preparing for mental health," he said.

Next, social well-being which includes the habits of a company to balance in work life. Not only that, companies also need to pay attention to physical well-being and career well-being.


Top Ten Power Skills For 2022


To achieve prosperity, workers certainly need supporting skills appropriate to their company. Dr Windijarto said, in 2022 resilience and the ability to adapt will become one of the skills that is really needed. Apart from that, technological skills are needed in this digital era.

"Then, communication skills, emotional intelligence, cross-functional collaboration, leading through change," he said.

He added that taking change as an opportunity and being able to manage it well are also abilities that are much sought after by companies today. Then, managing stress in this era is very important because the burden is increasing.

"Then, time management and finally creativity," he said.


Face Digital Transformation


Also present was the Executive Director of the Indonesian Human Capital Forum, Sofyan Rohidi MBA. On that occasion, Dr Windijarto said that human resources (HR) need to prepare for changes in facing digital transformation.

“HR must be able to adapt to change. Able to understand and learn new things quickly. "Don't just accept it, but keep finding out," he added.

Sofyan continued, HR must also be able to survive and excel under any conditions. HR is also required to be able to work with anyone.

“We have to prepare great talents, not appear suddenly. It must be done and developed from the start of college. "Not only do we provide hard skills, campuses also need to provide soft skills," he said. (*)


Author: Alysa Intan Santika

Editor: Feri Fenoria