(FEB NEWS) Monday, 14 February 2022, the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) held a FEB UNAIR Lecturer Coordination Meeting in preparation for the 2021/2022 Even Semester lectures.

The meeting, which lasted for 2.5 hours, was attended by around 150 (one hundred and fifty) lecturers (Permanent Lecturers and Extraordinary Lecturers (LB Lecturers)/practitioner lecturers). At the meeting, the Chancellor of Universitas Airlangga - Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nasih, SE., MT., Ak. who is also a lecturer at FEB UNAIR.

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The meeting was opened by the Dean of FEB UNAIR – Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. In his opening remarks, the Dean of FEB UNAIR, touched a little on the plans for the 2021/2022 Even Semester lectures for undergraduate level, which will be held online and offline, where before the Mid-Term Examination (UTS) lectures will be held online, but after the UTS lectures will be held offline. Prof. Dr. Dian Agustia., SE., MSi., Ak., CMA., CA. also never tired of always reminding the entire FEB UNAIR team to always work happily, in synergy with heart, and adhere to health protocols strictly.

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In line with what the Dean of FEB UNAIR said in his speech, Deputy Dean I FEB UNAIR – Dr. Wisnu Wibowo, provided a more detailed explanation, taking into account the Chancellor's Circular No. 587/UN3/PK/2022, concerning Recommendations for Implementing Limited Face-to-Face Learning for Even Semester 2021/2022, that: 

  1. Even Semester Lectures:
  • Undergraduate level (S1), lectures before UTS are online, and after UTS are scheduled offline. 
  • Professional Level, Masters and Doctorate: Lectures before and after UTS are held online
  1. Implementation of UTS and UAS
  • The Bachelor (S1) level is carried out offline
  • Professional, Masters and Doctoral degrees are carried out online
  1. Final exam

Phase I and Phase 2 Proposal/Thesis/Dissertation Examinations will be carried out offline (specifically for February 2022, implementation will still be online while waiting for the pandemic situation to subside).


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The next material is about the technical implementation of teaching and learning on UNAIR's great e-learning platform, explained in detail by Noven Suprayogi, SE.,M.Si.,Ak. – Captain E-Learning FEB UNAIR.

The meeting closed with prayer led by Drs. Ec. Suherman Rosyidi, M.Com., so that lectures run smoothly and always receive blessings from Allah SWT.


Healthy and Happy Greetings from us – FEB UNAIR

Synergize with the heart

Excellence With Morality for Indonesia