(FEB NEWS) Saturday, 12 February 2022, Bachelor of Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) under the leadership of Dr. Dien Mardhiyah, SE., MSi, held an Open House Management activity - online.




The event, which was attended by more than 146 high school students, as well as BP teachers, was held in collaboration with the International Undergraduate Program led by Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak.


The aim of holding this event is to provide new student candidates with more insight into the FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Management Study Program. Why do they have to choose the Bachelor of Management Study Program, what are the advantages of the Bachelor of Management Study Program, Accreditation of the Bachelor of Management Study Program both nationally and internationally, curriculum, majors, career prospects for graduates, UNAIR entry routes, also the rigor, International Class, Fast Track Program. This material was explained very clearly by the Secretary of the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Management Study Program - Made Gitanadya Ayu Ariani, SE., MSM.



The event was made more interesting, by presenting 2 Outstanding Alumni in 2021, namely: 1.) Patrisia Debby; 2.) Haflan Alfiri, and 1 2020 Class of 2020 female student who successfully passed into FEB UNAIR Management via a Golden Ticket from UNAIR RECTOR - Tazkia.



Greetings from us, FEB UNAIR Bachelor of Management Study Program.

Stay enthusiastic, never hesitate in making your choice.

