(FEB NEWS) Thursday, February 10 2022, Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP., - Head of the FEB UNAIR Management Department and Owner of digiseminar.id, was present as a speaker in a webinar for practitioners and academics, with the theme "Understanding SDG Value CSV and Innovation, Implementation Challenges Strategic and SROI Measurement”, which is a collaboration between the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) and PT Sucofindo. 

The event, which was attended by more than 110 online participants, both practitioners and academics, was officially opened by Rikrik Supriyadi, AT., MBA., CSRA. – VP SBU KSP PT. Sucofindo.


(From Left to Right: 1. Rikrik Supriyadi, AT., MBA., CSRA. – VP SBU KSP PT. Sucofindo.; 2. Teddy Poernama (Representative from the Ministry of BUMN) as Keynote Speaker; 3. Bagus Ferry Agrayanto – Moderator; 4. Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP - Head of the FEB UNAIR Management Department and Owner of digiseminar.id, in a Webinar with the theme: "Understanding SDG Value CSV and Innovation, Challenges of Strategic Implementation and SROI Measurement" , which is a collaboration between the FEB UNAIR Management Department and PT Sucofindo, on Thursday, February 10 2022, online). 

In this event, Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP., presented his material with the theme "Doing Good Strategically - Not Ordinary CSR".

Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP., discussed starting from what CSR is, SCR activities that must be in accordance with branding, the importance of branding, then from branding to the importance of public/consumer perception regarding our company/our product, CSR as the right way to build positive perceptions of society/consumers, measuring the benefits of CSR both internally and externally, the difference between CSR and CSV, CSR programs that have clear objectives, themes in the SDG's, and finally a brief discussion regarding measuring the impact of CSV carried out company, through Social Return on Investment (SROI).

As mentioned by Teddy Poernama (Representative from the Ministry of BUMN) as Keynote Speaker, the basic principles of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) by the Ministry of BUMN are: integrated, directed, measurable impact and accountability, so Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP., explained that integrated means related to CSV activities, directed means having a clear goal/there is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), so you can see whether the goal is achieved or not? , and the objectives here relate to the 17 Themes contained in the SDG's, while measurable impact, is linked to SROI.

In short, Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP., explained that there are 3 important things that need to be considered in measuring SROI (Social Return on Investment), namely:

  1. Understand who the stakeholders are, both internally and externally.
  2. What benefits do each stakeholder get?
  3. Monetize existing qualitative benefits into quantitative ones with ratio value.  

Furthermore, Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, CMA., CDM., CBNLP., explained that in 2022, the FEB UNAIR Management Department together with PT. Sucofindo, will collaborate, holding several activity agendas with the theme "Be Good For Your Happiness" including:

  2. Workshop "From CSR to CSV" Batch 3 & 4
  3. “CSV AWARDS 2022”
  4. And Other Workshops with Sucofindo

Greetings, synergy with our hearts, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga .

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