(FEB NEWS), Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto - Head of the Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (KADEP MANAJEMEN FEB UNAIR) and Owner of digiseminar.id, was present as one of the speakers at the "Guest Lecture and Community Service" event, with the theme "Climate Change, Adaptation, Mitigation, Management Environment and Health in the Implementation of Proklim", Alms of Science, Universitas Airlangga, on Monday, January 31 2022.
The event, which was attended by more than 220 participants, was held in a hybrid manner by FKM UNAIR under the leadership of the Dean of FKM UNAIR - Dr. Santi Martini, dr., M.Kes, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, East Java Provincial Health Service, East Java DPRD Commission D, Nganjuk Regency Environmental Service, and all sources from the Malaysian Ministry of Health, Chair of the FEB UNAIR Management Department, Coordinator FKM UNAIR Social Welfare Masters Study Program, FKM UNAIR Masters K3 Study Program Coordinator, Proklim Advisor and East Java Kalpataru Recipient, PT. Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. to contribute/synergize in giving alms to knowledge, for natural health, the health of the earth, so that it can be enjoyed by children and grandchildren in the future.
In the Guest Lecture and Community Service Event as Alms to Knowledge, Universitas Airlangga, Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, discussed from a marketing perspective, so that in his material he explained about "CSR For Branding"
Starting his presentation, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, said that humans learn from nature/God. Where is Allah SWT Himself. creating living creatures, with as little waste as possible or even no waste at all. Because waste from one living creature will be useful for other living creatures.
In contrast to the past, nowadays, especially urban communities, especially the manufacturing industry, often generates waste, so the blue economy theory has emerged, which gives rise to ideas about how waste can actually be used economically too.
From a marketing perspective, Dr.
Gancar Candra Premananto, stated the importance of branding. “Name”, for Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, is "important"/not meaningless. "Name is important, but building a good name is even more important." So, according to Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, Elephants die leaving behind ivory, so how can individuals, companies, or whoever, leave a good name? So that's why it's important for us/anyone to do CSR.
Furthermore, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto explained that people's perceptions are stronger than their reality. someone will not know the true reality, whether it is the quality of an item or the quality of a person. What is known is only perception/what someone thinks. This perception arises from a cursory appearance, humans only judge someone from what they hear or see, even though what they hear/see is not good, it is not necessarily what they see/hear in reality. He could be a good person, from the things he has heard/seen. Humans often perceive good/bad only from things that are visible. Perception often judges someone outside of the actual reality, the reality may be different.
So, in Marketing, continued Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, is the problem, how to instill good perceptions into consumers. Perception is important, because it can make behavior different. Prejudice can be an initial value. Everything will be driven from someone's mindset, from someone's perspective. In marketing science, how we get into the best minds of consumers is important, because consumers don't really know what our qualities are. So whoever it is, must show kindness, "Do Something Good" to maintain the good name of the company, the company must communicate, convey it. For example, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), especially Sustainable CSR Implementation. CSV (Creating Shared Value) forms also need to be implemented, where everything must be in accordance with the company's strategy, must be in accordance with the initial strategy, must be in accordance with the core business of each company. If the business is in the field of drinking water, then do good in the field of drinking water, if it is in the field of farming, then do good in the field of farming too, such as helping other people with knowledge/sharing farming knowledge, etc., just like the event initiated by FKM UNAIR, this time, according to Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto, today's material can be related to SDG's 13, and SDG's 15, that we maintain the survival of all types of living creatures on this earth, because that is the duty of humans as caliphs on this earth.
Dr. Gancar Candra Premananto also explained that the Management Program had done several things in carrying out CSR so that it could get several awards, including the Lecturer Award for Innovative CSR, Positive Exposure, and many activities for charity such as helping Ludruk employees whose income was low, sometimes even CSR from Management does not require large funds, what is important is its intention. So, the most important thing is, how can we be creative, active, and innovative, to come up with ways to help others, like the event initiated by FKM UNAIR currently, which is also an activity to share knowledge, share benefits, hopefully it will be a charity for everyone. Other awards achieved by FEB UNAIR Management include CSV AWARDS, then in collaboration with Smart FM to create the "Smart Energy from Daily Life" event, the event is held regularly on Sundays, resulting in an award from Smart FM as "Most Favorite Program"
At the end of the material, Dr. Gancar C. Premananto, said that the essence of this life is "Sharing Happiness so that we are all happy", because in this life, if you want to be happy then make other people happy. Religion was not created to be happy by itself, but to be happy by sharing
#guest lecturesandcommunity service-sedekahilmuunair2022