(FEB NEWS), Saturday, January 29 2022, International Undergraduate Program (IUP) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga (IUP FEB UNAIR), under the leadership of Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak. – Coordinator of IUP FEB Universitas Airlangga, held the IUP - ONLINE OPEN HOUSE Event, with the theme: CHOOSING A COLLEGE MAJOR ACCORDING TO YOUR PERSONALITY???

The event, which was attended by teachers, parents, as well as high school students, presented a resource person, Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist - Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health, Universitas Airlangga. 

In this event, Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak. explains several things about the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) FEB Universitas Airlangga. According to Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak., "This event is a regular event, which in 1 (one) year, can be held between 2-3 times." January 2022, coincides with the opening of registration for the first wave from 17 January – 28 February 2022, so that prospective students can prepare all the requirements from now on. As for the 2nd Wave (two), around 19 June – 20 July 2022, IUP FEB UNAIR will also hold an Open House event again.

Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak. said that FEB UNAIR is the faculty that offers the most study programs, where the study programs offered are 1.) International Undergraduate Program in Management (IUP in Management), 2.) International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in Accounting (IUP in Accounting), and 3.) International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in Islamic Economics.

Furthermore, Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak. explained that to be able to find out/get all complete registration information, you can view/browse via the website: https://iup.unair.ac.id/ , all information starting from the Study Programs offered, what requirements are needed, Tuition Fees, and also the Registration Schedule, it's there.

Meanwhile, if you want to know detailed information about IUP FEB UNAIR, namely regarding Scholarships, curriculum, Events, Brochures, information about Current Students, then just open the special economic website, namely: https://iup.feb.unair.ac.id/ .

Dr. Devi Sulistyo Kalanjati, SE., M.Acc., M.Sc., Ak. said, in today's online era, it is hoped that today's students can be clever in making optimal use of the websites provided by both Universitas Airlanggaand the FEB UNAIR website.

Next, entering the Core session, in the presentation delivered by Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist - Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Universitas Airlangga, delivered his material with the theme: "Optimize Your Potential in Choosing a Major with Definiteness".

As an introduction, Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist, stated "Actually, it's not a matter of where do I fit in?, but, I want to develop myself, towards what kind of suitability?", where is the personality of a student who is still young? between 15-16 years, it will still develop. For this reason, Afif Kurniawan reminded us not to be too rigid in choosing a major.

Choosing a major, according to Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist, is a big decision, because at that time it is a moment for all students to "face a gate", to make a decision about the future. According to Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist, the future is not always about career, but at that time (choosing a major), it may actually be the first time that parents are given the freedom to make the decision to choose a major. It was a big moment for the students. The reactions or responses can also vary. Some go very well/fine until college, some are not so good, and some can even lead to conflict with parents, etc.

Making this decision will be the responsibility of the student for the next 4 years/during college, so you need to think carefully and make the decision well.

Furthermore, Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist conveyed the facts that occur to many prospective students before choosing a major, including: 1) Anxiety, 2) Confused, 3) Negative Thinking, 4) Communication with People Bad Old Age, 5) Decreased Self-Confidence, 6) Eating and Drinking Disorders, and Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist, how to respond to these facts.

Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist, also invited the participants to bring up their automatic thoughts, regarding choosing a major/fears that arise before entering college, so that from these thoughts, Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist , can help you find ways/approaches you can optimize yourself to solve it. 

Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist, also shares what methods can be used to fight all negative thoughts that arise. Apart from that, 5 tips are also given for choosing a study program: 1) Filter and Research, 2) Choose a program you're interested in, 3) Play by your strengths and skills, 4) Follow your Heart, and 5) Reflect

Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist explained that in filtering a choice of study program from various information that has been explored, either through discussions or through information via the internet, there are several things you need to remember, "look for those that you really have an interest in, interest it doesn't mean passion. Passion is everything we like, so when choosing, put interest first. Because if you are interested then you will fight for it to succeed, even though there are difficulties that are present, then you will try to overcome/deal with them. But if you are passionate, if your passion is comfort, then once you encounter discomfort, your motivation will drop.

At the end of his presentation, Afif Kurniawan, M.Si., Psychologist said that the key to the process in choosing a major is:

  1. Research and filter. Find out as much information as possible, then filter it according to your potential, discuss it with your guidance counselor or developmental specialist.
  2. Choose and communicate. Have discussions with the family, improve communication, accept and listen to each other, let parents work together to develop good listening skills based on the filters that children/students have built.
  3. Personality and Grit. Let's grow together, develop together and determine the grit of perseverance that we have, so that we can be sharp in facing what we have to do.
  4. Determination and Direction. Once your choice has been made, then prepare everything you need.

Greetings, choose your major wisely, according to your interests, get to know yourself as best as possible and optimize all your abilities, let's develop a mindset that continues to grow, improve communication. Hopefully your choice is the best for you.

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