It was an honor for KPS MM FEB Unair when asked by the President of ABEST21 to become a member of the ABEST21 Peer Review Team (PRT). ABEST21 is an international accreditation agency from Japan, which has accredited MM FEB Unair since May 2016.

Abest21 FEB Unair October 2018 a

Dr. Gancar C. Premananto has been appointed as a member of PRT ABEST21 since 2018, while Sri Gunawan, DBA has been involved in it since 2017.
On his first occasion, Gancar was asked to become a domestic worker for 1 MM in a city in Sumatra and also 1 Business School in Shenyang, China.
To review Northeastern University in Shenyang, Gancar joined other reviewers from Japan, Prof. Hiroshi Takamori and from Malaysia, Hen Kei Wah. The review was also attended by ABEST21 President Prof. Fumio Itoh.

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This long trip to China took place from 21-24 October, providing valuable experience for cooperation between existing institutions.

